Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Wendy Hoffman and Alison Miller - Ritual Abuse and Mind Control

Self-Esteem Loosens Mind Control by Wendy Hoffman – Survivorship Conference 2016

Hoffman, Wendy White Witch in a Black Robe is a memoir about how secret high-level mind control is performed throughout victims' lives and the ways heads of governments and religious organizations participate in this, as well as the healing process and how the mind becomes whole again.  The memoir begins with the author's childhood in a multi-generational cult family, her ordinary life in the normal world and her simultaneous secret tortuous world. She describes her world travels as a satanic cult queen and prophet, encountering well-known and influential people. The final section portrays the process of weaving the pieces of her mind back together with the help of a therapist, and adjusting to life with a whole mind.  ISBN 13 : 9781782203667  ISBN 10 : 1782203664
WENDY HOFFMAN is a survivor of organized criminal abuse and has been a psychotherapist for over two decades working in general

Hoffman, Wendy The Enslaved Queen: A Memoir about Electricity and Mind Control   Written by a survivor of mind control and ritual abuse who is also a therapist, this memoir exposes the existence and practices of organized criminal groups who abuse children, helps survivors of those abuses, and provides important information for professionals about the dissociative brain. The author's poetic prose contrasts with the horror of the subject matter.  The adult journeys back to give voice to infant and child parts of her, describing her handlers' early interventions to destroy bonding and create dissociation, the foundation of reverse-Kabbalah suicide and pathway programming, and the installation of mind control. Scenes from ordinary life are interspersed throughout the memoir. Nazi post-war recruitment of American subjects during the 1940s and 50s (including the infamous Dr. Mengele), children used for prostitution, pornography and the drug trade along with the workings of the Illuminati leadership and their international Feast of the Beast rituals are all included.

Internal Keys to Safety by Alison Miller – Survivorship Conference 2016  

Miller, Alison (2011).  Healing the Unimaginable – Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control  is a practical, task-oriented, instructional manual designed to help therapists provide effective treatment for survivors of these most extreme forms of child abuse and mental manipulation. Paperback: 978 1 85575 882 7 Published: October 2011 Publisher: Karnac Books

Miller, Alison (2014). Becoming Yourself: Overcoming Mind Control and Ritual Abuse  In contrast to the author's previous book, Healing the Unimaginable: Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control, which was for therapists, this book is designed for survivors of these abuses. It takes the survivor systematically through understanding the abuses and how his or her symptoms may be consequences of these abuses, and gives practical advice regarding how a survivor can achieve stability and manage the life issues with which he or she may have difficulty. The book also teaches the survivor how to work with his or her complex personality system and with the traumatic memories, to heal the wounds created by the abuse.

A unique feature of this book is that it addresses the reader as if he or she is dissociative, and directs some information and exercises towards the internal leaders of the personality system, teaching them how to build a cooperative and healing inner community within which information is shared, each part's needs are met, and traumatic memories can be worked through successfully.

Alison Miller's conference presentation outline from the 2014 Annual Ritual Abuse Conference – Overcoming Mind Control: Keys to Recovery

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