Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Vatican Adjusts Its Child-Sex-Abuse Policies, Torture in Canada

The Vatican Adjusts Its Child-Sex-Abuse Policies Again: A Reminder of How Statutes of Limitations Play a Nefarious Role By MARCI A. HAMILTON July 7, 2010

People rightly shake their heads in disbelief at each halting step that the Holy See makes toward fixing its morally-reprehensible approach to child sex abuse by clergy. Even now, the enormity of the revelations regarding the coverup is still hard to absorb. As readers will remember, it all started with the Boston Globe's groundbreaking investigative reporting in 2002.

Today, abusing priests in countries around the globe -- and those in the Church hierarchy who knew, but stayed silent -- have been implicated.
The crisis demands an emergency response of grand magnitude. Yet an institution of the size, scope, and political structure of the Catholic Church is inherently incapable of such movement. Each new announcement falls short of reaching the other side of this chasm of error. Sadly, the recent early reports on the Vatican's "new" amendments to the canon law governing church trials of child abusers are no different.

These amendments appear to be simply some re-packaging of internal practices, with some clarification. They offer little to reassure those inside and outside the Church who care about children that children will finally, actually be safe.
The Church States that Priests are to Follow Civil-Law Reporting Statues -- But Lobbies Hard for Priests to Be Exempt

Torture in Canada July 7th, 2010 While it still remains to be proven, one of the concerns is that Dustin was tortured during his ordeal. Did you know that a regular citizen cannot be charged with torture in Canada? Linda and Jeanne from have put together a slideshow to explain just how this is in our country.

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