Sunday, April 11, 2010

Clergy who conceal abuse, Vatican lifts veil of secrecy, child abuse traumatic

Clergy who conceal abuse should be dismissed: cardinal - Silvia Aloisi ROME Apr 11, 2010 (Reuters) - The powerful head of Italy's bishops, responding to mounting pressure on the Vatican, said on Sunday those in the Church who mishandled, minimized and covered up sexual abuse of children should be dismissed. Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco said in a newspaper interview that pedophilia was a "heinous crime" and even more serious when committed by members of the Church.

Vatican lifts veil of secrecy on abuse cases - As two more cover-ups are revealed, a simple online guide to the canonical procedures for dealing with accused priests is launched By Nicole Winfield in The Vatican 11 April 2010 The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith – the office once known as the Inquisition – has long epitomised the secrecy of the Vatican, with responsibility for banning books and meting out punishments as severe as excommunication and burning at the stake. Now, as the office's handling of child-molesting priests comes increasingly under fire, the Vatican is starting to open up. Tomorrow, it will release online a concise guide for the layman on how the congregation handles sex abuse allegations.

Child Sexual Abuse: A Risk Factor for Pregnancy, Study Finds ScienceDaily (Apr. 6, 2010) — A new study carried out by researchers at the University of Haifa and Soroka Hospital has found that women who were victims of sexual abuse in childhood reported higher levels of depression and symptoms of post-trauma during pregnancy. Sexual abuse in childhood increases the chances of high-risk pregnancy, according to the new study, which was conducted by Prof. Rachel Lev-Wiesel, Head of the Graduate School of Creative Arts Therapies at the University of Haifa, Lee Yampolsky and Dr. Tzachi Ben Zion, Deputy Director of Soroka Hospital....The current study, which has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Advanced Nursing (January 2011), examined the possibility of sexual abuse experienced in childhood triggering retraumatization during wanted pregnancy.

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