Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ritual Abuse: Canada's Most Infamous Trial On Child Abuse

Ritual Abuse: Canada's Most Infamous Trial On Child Abuse - Kevin Marron - It began as a highly unusual custody battle and escalated into the most infamous child abuse trial in Canadian history. Two sisters, not yet eight years old, recounted explicit stories of being sexually molested by their mother, her boyfriend and their violent estranged father. As appalled social workers listened, the girls revealed horrific episodes of pornography, orgies, cannibalism, and ritual murder involving many other children - allegations so extreme so bizarre, so graphic in detail it seemed impossible they could have been made up. The book describes the children's allegations and the way they were investigated, as well as the startling revelations and unexpected developments that emerged during the course of 18 months of court testimony. It also puts the case in the context of an ongoing debate about how society can respond to extreme allegations of ritual child abuse and pornography.

Excerpt "Child abuse is just one of many frightening realities that it would be more comfortable to ignore. There is overwhelming proof of its pervasiveness, but many people work very hard at denying the seriousness of the problem. In this context, it is not surprising that few people would want to believe young children's bizarre stories of cannibalism and ritual murder. In looking at the documented cases of child exploitation that surround us, in observing the images of violence and dehumanized sexuality that are part of our everyday cultural landscape, it is not hard to believe that, conspiracy or no conspiracy, the Satanists' goal could easily be achieved without much effort on their part." Seal Books, McClelland-Bantam Inc., Toronto. 1988 ISBN: 0-7704-2250-0 http://kevinmarron.com/book.html

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