Sunday, October 25, 2009

the courage to heal, ritual abuse presentation

The courage to heal: A guide for women survivors of child sexual abuse.
Bass, Ellen; Davis, Laura
New York, NY, US: Perennial Library/Harper & Row Publishers. (1988). 493 pp.

"The Courage to Heal" is an inspiring, comprehensive guide that offers hope and encouragement to every woman who was sexually abused as a child—and those who care about her. Although the effects of child sexual abuse are long-term and severe, healing is possible. The authors—Ellen Bass, a nationally known counselor, and Laura Davis, a survivor of child sexual abuse—weave personal experience with professional knowledge to show the reader how she can come to terms with her past while moving powerfully into the future. The authors provide clear explanations, practical suggestions, a map of the healing journey, and many moving first-person examples of the recovery process drawn from their interviews with hundreds of survivors. (PsycINFO Database Record 2009 APA)

Presentation at the Twelfth Annual Ritual Abuse Conference in August 2009 - Neil Brick - Ritual Abuse, the trenches of the stopping child abuse movement "Ritual abuse crimes are often the most difficult to believe because of the extreme nature of these crimes. Societies have a tendency in general to not want to believe that horrible things can happen right next door or down the street from them. Many of the atrocities that have happen throughout history have occurred in populated areas. Yet members of societies have stated after the fact that they did not know that anything was going on."

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