Monday, March 16, 2009

Fewer than 10% of sexual assault victims reported crime to police

Describes crimes
Sex assaults go unreported - Many women feel shame, have fear or mistrust authorities By Danielle Bell, The Daily News 3/15/09 The latest statistics available suggest that sexual assaults can go unreported because victims remain silent out of shame, fear of reprisal or a reluctance to get involved in the legal system....Victimization studies suggest many women never come forward. It's a troubling trend that advocacy groups believe heightens awareness to ensure that adequate support services are in place. Fewer than 10% of sexual assault victims reported the crime to police in 2004, suggested by the latest figures from Statistics Canada in Measuring Women Against Violence: Statistical Trends 2006. Of spousal violence victims, 36% of women reported those crimes to police. Women that were younger, less-educated and living in lower-income households were more likely to report such crimes.

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