Monday, July 29, 2024

The 2024 Online Ritual Abuse Conference August 10 – 11, 2024 - Low Prices extended one more week. Prices are as low as $50 per person.


The 2024 Online Ritual Abuse Conference August 10 – 11, 2024 - Low Prices extended one more week. Prices are as low as $50 per person. 

Information about the conference is at

The speakers include Dr. Alison Miller, Adah Sachs PhD, Dr. Lynn Brunet, Patricia Quinn and Michael Skinner.   Please feel free to write for more information. We also have low income prices. 

Dr. Alison Miller will speak about Stabilizing and Healing Techniques for Survivors. Survivors have front people and insiders, parts hidden inside, who react to things in the present as if it was the past. Front people have been trained to be in denial about the history of abuse and about the existence of other inside people. Survivors' overreactions to things in the present come from the insiders. Dr. Alison Miller is a retired clinical psychologist who practised for over forty years, specializing for the last twenty-five years in survivors of ritual abuse and mind control. Her new book, Demystifying Mind Control and Ritual Abuse: A Manual for Therapists, is coming out in October 2024. 

Dr. Lynn Brunet will speak about Traces of Masonic Ritual Abuse in Carl Jung's Red Book and Black Books. Jung recorded these experiences in journals that he called the Black Books and The Red Book. In late 2018 the Answer to Jung: Making Sense of The Red Book was published. This study demonstrates that Jung's fantasies are not entirely original but that their plots, characters, settings and symbolism are remarkably similar to some of the higher degree rituals of Continental Freemasonry. Lynn Brunet (PhD) is an Australian art historian, artist and survivor of Masonic ritual abuse.

Adah Sachs PhD will speak about Attachment Reationship in DID: Survival, Destruction and Healing. Attachment is a survival instinct. It makes any newborn, from elephant to human to robin reach out and attach to another, because the newborn’s life depends on protection and care. This presentation, however, will discuss in depth how the life preserving instinct of attachment may be corrupted by trauma and abuse, and become a vehicle for harm and destruction. In families where abuse is an inevitable part of life (such as RA families), the intense distress and terror experienced by the child (or adult) intensifies their attachment needs. Adah Sachs PhD is an attachment-based psychoanalytic psychotherapist and a member of the Bowlby Centre. She has worked for decades with adults and adolescents in psychiatric care, as consultant psychotherapist at the Clinic for Dissociative Studies and as head of psychotherapy for one of the London boroughs, now retired.

Patricia Quinn will speak about Exploring Our Many Facets Through SoulCollage (C). SoulCollage's popularity has spread worldwide because of its appeal and elevation of our inner awareness of ourselves and our world. Patricia Quinn MS, ATR-BC, LCAT, NBCCH is an artist and art therapist in private practice in Orange, NY who worked as an addiction clinician and prevention director and supervisor for 23 years.   

Michael Skinner will speak about Musical Performance and Sharing About Why His Songs Were Written. Michael Skinner will perform and share about why the songs being shared were written. He uses his music for healing and in speaking out as an advocate addressing the concerns of trauma, abuse and mental health. Michael Skinner is an award-winning advocate, educator, writer and critically acclaimed singer, songwriter, guitarist, addressing the issues of trauma, abuse and mental health concerns.