Monday, July 29, 2024

The 2024 Online Ritual Abuse Conference August 10 – 11, 2024 - Low Prices extended one more week. Prices are as low as $50 per person.


The 2024 Online Ritual Abuse Conference August 10 – 11, 2024 - Low Prices extended one more week. Prices are as low as $50 per person. 

Information about the conference is at

The speakers include Dr. Alison Miller, Adah Sachs PhD, Dr. Lynn Brunet, Patricia Quinn and Michael Skinner.   Please feel free to write for more information. We also have low income prices. 

Dr. Alison Miller will speak about Stabilizing and Healing Techniques for Survivors. Survivors have front people and insiders, parts hidden inside, who react to things in the present as if it was the past. Front people have been trained to be in denial about the history of abuse and about the existence of other inside people. Survivors' overreactions to things in the present come from the insiders. Dr. Alison Miller is a retired clinical psychologist who practised for over forty years, specializing for the last twenty-five years in survivors of ritual abuse and mind control. Her new book, Demystifying Mind Control and Ritual Abuse: A Manual for Therapists, is coming out in October 2024. 

Dr. Lynn Brunet will speak about Traces of Masonic Ritual Abuse in Carl Jung's Red Book and Black Books. Jung recorded these experiences in journals that he called the Black Books and The Red Book. In late 2018 the Answer to Jung: Making Sense of The Red Book was published. This study demonstrates that Jung's fantasies are not entirely original but that their plots, characters, settings and symbolism are remarkably similar to some of the higher degree rituals of Continental Freemasonry. Lynn Brunet (PhD) is an Australian art historian, artist and survivor of Masonic ritual abuse.

Adah Sachs PhD will speak about Attachment Reationship in DID: Survival, Destruction and Healing. Attachment is a survival instinct. It makes any newborn, from elephant to human to robin reach out and attach to another, because the newborn’s life depends on protection and care. This presentation, however, will discuss in depth how the life preserving instinct of attachment may be corrupted by trauma and abuse, and become a vehicle for harm and destruction. In families where abuse is an inevitable part of life (such as RA families), the intense distress and terror experienced by the child (or adult) intensifies their attachment needs. Adah Sachs PhD is an attachment-based psychoanalytic psychotherapist and a member of the Bowlby Centre. She has worked for decades with adults and adolescents in psychiatric care, as consultant psychotherapist at the Clinic for Dissociative Studies and as head of psychotherapy for one of the London boroughs, now retired.

Patricia Quinn will speak about Exploring Our Many Facets Through SoulCollage (C). SoulCollage's popularity has spread worldwide because of its appeal and elevation of our inner awareness of ourselves and our world. Patricia Quinn MS, ATR-BC, LCAT, NBCCH is an artist and art therapist in private practice in Orange, NY who worked as an addiction clinician and prevention director and supervisor for 23 years.   

Michael Skinner will speak about Musical Performance and Sharing About Why His Songs Were Written. Michael Skinner will perform and share about why the songs being shared were written. He uses his music for healing and in speaking out as an advocate addressing the concerns of trauma, abuse and mental health. Michael Skinner is an award-winning advocate, educator, writer and critically acclaimed singer, songwriter, guitarist, addressing the issues of trauma, abuse and mental health concerns.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

New Book: Demystifying Mind Control and Ritual Abuse: A Manual for Therapists - Alison Miller


New Book: Demystifying Mind Control and Ritual Abuse: A Manual for Therapists - Alison Miller                     
Karnac Books  July 2024 Paperback
ISBN 13 : 9781800132658  ISBN 10 : 1800132654
Dr. Miller will be speaking at the 2024 Online Annual Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Conference - August 10 - 11, 2024.  Information is at
Karnac books 

Google Books limited preview: 

This book was written to meet the need of therapists: a succinct, thorough, practical, clear, down-to-earth handbook to which a therapist can refer as needed. Many, if not most, therapists have encountered a victim of complex mind control and ritual abuse, and most therapists feel deskilled in this work. Working with such clients is a challenge for therapists, given the extreme and prolonged nature of the clients’ trauma, the severity of their dissociative disorders, the complexity of the mind control they have experienced, and the reality of organised perpetrator groups who follow up on their victims. Every therapist needs to know the basics of this work.

Chapter 1 defines and explains dissociation, ritual abuse, and mind control. It lists indicators which suggest a client may be a victim, and recommends developing ‘reflective belief (or possibly) disbelief’ rather than maintaining ‘therapeutic neutrality’. Chapter 2, The therapeutic relationship, describes victims’ training to not form bonds, the parental nature of the therapeutic bond with such clients, and practical ways to relate to someone dealing with internal multiplicity. Chapter 3, The life of a mind control survivor, describes victims’ planned experiences from infancy all the way through adulthood. Chapter 4, Engineered personality systems, describes the most common forms of training or programming, and the ‘jobs’ of inner parts of the victim. Chapter 5, Stabilisation and internal safety, explains the way in which some parts punish the victim for disloyalty by creating destabilising symptoms. Chapter 6, Working with the personality system, describes internal hierarchies and how to work with them. Chapter 7, Present-day physical safety, looks at the ongoing torture and harassment of many victims by perpetrator groups, and describes the training of various parts to return to the perpetrators, report to them, and be available for further abuse. Chapter 8, Working through the traumatic memories, gives guidelines regarding how to help a client work through the numerous traumatic training memories. Chapter 9, Confronting the spiritual issues in ritual abuse, describes the perpetrators’ spiritual/moral abuse and simulation of spiritual entities. It discusses the question of demonic possession, and looks at the real spiritual issues which victims and therapists must deal with. Chapter 10, Healing for our clients and ourselves, discusses victims’ emotional healing, grieving, developing self-esteem and integration, and therapists’ intimidation and vicarious traumatisation.

‘Alison Miller’s latest book, Demystifying Mind Control and Ritual Abuse, is a tour de force in advanced psychotherapy for the most difficult of clients, those who have been subjected to torture since before birth and throughout their childhood in order to create compliant slaves without walls. She is a knowledgeable, tough, and compassionate guide who takes a clear-eyed look at what it really takes for therapists to do this work and gives us the tools to do so. She calmly addresses a topic that most find unbearable to acknowledge, that children can and are routinely used to serve the darkest desires of humanity. She lays out many practical tips; each chapter could almost be its own book. Any therapist who finds themselves confounded and feeling deskilled by a victim of organized abuse that is cult related, ritually abused and/or mind controlled will find helpful tips and resources in these pages. This book should be required reading for all therapists.’

Susan Pease Banitt, LCSW, psychotherapist and consultant specialising in trauma and extreme abuse, sought-after speaker, and award-winning author

‘Having worked in this difficult field for several decades, Alison Miller has found a further way of passing on her knowledge of mind control and ritual abuse. What’s more, she does so in the most honed, processed way. This is a handbook which is easy to read despite the fearfulness of its subject. It is filled with wise information culled from decades of experience. It will aid the newcomer and the experienced clinician alike.’

Valerie Sinason PhD, founder and patron, Clinic for Dissociative Studies, and author of The Orpheus Project

‘Demystifying Mind Control and Ritual Abuse: A Manual for Therapists delivers just what Dr. Miller promises – a book for therapists “who need a succinct, practical, down-to-earth guide for this challenging work.” She describes the strategies that mind control abusers apply to victims, beginning in infancy, to induce dissociated identities to form, to manipulate them, and to then set them up against each other for long-term, often lifetime control. These abusers hope to prevent victims from ever consciously accessing their memories, from being able to receive the help of a psychotherapist, and from ever defying and escaping their mental controls. Then Dr. Miller offers step-by-step therapeutic guidance in troubleshooting all of these obstacles so that survivors may discover their own minds and exercise agency over their own lives. This is a wonderful reference book to help psychotherapists navigate this toughest-of-all courses of psychotherapy.’  Ellen Lacter, PhD, psychologist, USA

‘Dr. Alison Miller's new book, Demystifying Mind Control and Ritual Abuse: A Training Manual for Therapists, is the most comprehensive book written to date on this topic. Dr. Miller discusses all of the techniques needed to help survivors of these crimes. Her book is easy to read and understand. It explains ways to work with trauma survivors in a compassionate, respectful, and comprehensive manner. Her many years of experience and research provide a unique guide into helping mind control and ritual abuse survivors. I have been proud to work with Dr. Miller in both Survivorship ( and SMART ( Every time I attend one of her workshops or webinars or read one of her books, I learn more about our field, myself, and ways to help other survivors.’
Neil Brick, editor and conference coordinator for SMARTNews at 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Ritual Abuse Conference - August 2024, New sexual assault charges against Harvey Weinstein, Megachurch pastor “inappropriate sexual behavior”


The 2024 Online Ritual Abuse Conference August 10 – 11, 2024  Information about the conference is at 

The speakers include Dr. Alison Miller, Adah Sachs PhD, Dr. Lynn Brunet, Patricia Quinn and Michael Skinner. We are offering special low prices until July 15, 2024. Please feel free to write for more information.

NYC prosecutors intend to bring new sexual assault charges against Harvey Weinstein ahead of retrial By  PHILIP MARCELO  July 9, 2024

NEW YORK (AP) — Manhattan prosecutors said Tuesday that they intend to bring new sexual assault charges against Harvey Weinstein as they anticipate a November retrial for the disgraced media mogul.

Assistant District Attorney Nicole Blumberg said in court that prosecutors are actively pursuing claims of rape that occurred in Manhattan within the statute of limitations.
She said some potential survivors that were not ready to step forward during Weinstein’s first New York trial have indicated they are now willing to testify.

But when pressed by the judge, Blumberg said prosecutors have not yet brought their findings to a grand jury. She also said she could not provide the court a timeline for when their investigation will be complete.

“The People are still investigating in a trauma-informed manner,” she said. “That is an ongoing process.”....

Among those in the packed courtroom Tuesday was Jessica Mann, the former actor Weinstein was convicted of raping his 2020 trial.
Mann did not speak to reporters but prosecutors have said she is prepared to testify against Weinstein again.

Weinstein’s other accuser, Mimi Haley, did not attend Tuesday’s hearing and has expressed reluctance about going through the trauma of testifying again. Her lawyer, Gloria Allred, said in an email Tuesday that her client has not yet made her decision about participating in the retrial.

The Associated Press does not generally identify people alleging sexual assault unless they consent to be named, as Haley and Mann have.
Weinstein has maintained that any sexual activity was consensual....

In April, New York’s highest court threw out Weinstein’s rape conviction after determining the trial judge unfairly allowed testimony against him based on allegations from other women that were not part of the case.
The ruling reopened a painful chapter in America’s reckoning with sexual misconduct by powerful figures. The #MeToo era began in 2017 with a flood of allegations against Weinstein.

Weinstein, who had been serving a 23-year sentence in New York, was also convicted in Los Angeles in 2022 of another rape and is still sentenced to 16 years in prison in California. But in an appeal filed last month in California’s Second District Court of Appeal, Weinstein’s lawyers argued he did not get a fair trial in Los Angeles. 

Lawyer for megachurch pastor blamed 12-year-old for initiating ‘inappropriate’ sexual conduct  Letters sent in 2007 by a lawyer for Robert Morris shed light on how the pastor explained his past sexual behavior with a child — and who else might have known about it. Pastor resigns from church after child sex abuse allegation  July 9, 2024 By Mike Hixenbaugh and Antonia Hylton

In 1982, pastor Robert Morris was a 21-year-old husband and father who  traveled the country telling young people about Jesus. Cindy Clemishire was a 12-year-old girl who dressed in flowery pink pajamas and still liked to play with Barbie dolls.

On Christmas that year, Morris — who would go on to found Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, and become a leading figure in the American evangelical movement — began what he would later describe as “inappropriate sexual behavior” with Clemishire while he was staying at her parents’ home in Oklahoma. Clemishire said Morris told her to come see him in his room before bed, and she was the type of girl who listened to instructions from trusted adults.

But 25 years later, when Clemishire hired an attorney and threatened to sue Morris, accusing him of repeatedly molesting her as a child, a lawyer representing Morris responded by blaming Clemishire for what happened to her, according to 2007 correspondence obtained by NBC News.

“It was your client,” wrote lawyer J. Shelby Sharpe, referring to Clemishire at age 12, “who initiated inappropriate behavior by coming into my client’s bedroom and getting in bed with him, which my client should not have allowed to happen.

The Feb. 6, 2007, letter was one in a series of exchanges that year between Sharpe and Gentner Drummond, a lawyer who represented Clemishire at the time. Clemishire said in an interview last week she had been seeking $50,000 in restitution from Morris to cover the cost of counseling. Morris, through his lawyer, instead offered to pay $25,000, but the talks fell apart, Clemishire said, because she was not willing to sign a nondisclosure agreement.
Drummond, who is now Oklahoma’s attorney general, confirmed Clemishire’s description of the 2007 negotiations and declined to comment further.