Wednesday, August 23, 2023

2023 Conference Video Presentations and PowerPoints


The 2023 Online Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference   August 19 – 20, 2023

If you are interested in participating in our conference next year or getting on a mailing list, please write:

Internet conference information:

Proof That Ritual Abuse Exists

Large List of Ritual Abuse and Child Abuse References

Grey Faction, Satanic Temple and Lucien Greaves Fact Sheet

Research and Information on Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly called Multiple Personality Disorder)

Sybil – Proof Sybil had MPD and it was caused by severe trauma

Judith Herman: “In order to escape accountability for his crimes, the perpetrator does everything in his power to promote forgetting. If secrecy fails, the perpetrator attacks the credibility of his victim. If he cannot silence her absolutely, he tries to make sure no one listens.” Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence – From Domestic Abuse to Political Terror

Videos and PowerPoints from our 2022 conference

These presentations may be difficult for survivors to view and listen to.  Survivors may want to have a support person present while viewing. All accusations are alleged.


Conference Speakers
Survivors may want to use caution reading this material or read it with a safe support person.

Artificially Rooted in the Natural - Wendy Hoffman

Many of us wonder why recovery from criminal mind control takes so long and is so painful and consuming. This workshop explores one aspect of the difficulties we experience. Perpetrators don’t pull mind control programs out of the blue. They have studied and continue to study what is natural to human emotions, behaviors and motivations. Their mind control tactics stem from those observations. Perpetrators artificially root their commands in the natural tendencies of the human brain, personality and soul, such as dissociation, the need for love and many others. The purpose of this workshop is to help survivors understand some of the unwanted potency of programming and relieve some of the shame and suffering they may feel as they go through their recovery, or even decide whether to start their investigation of themselves, their brains and hearts.

Wendy Hoffman has published three memoirs, The Enslaved Queen (Karnac Books, 2014, new edition by Aeon Books, 2019), White Witch in a Black Robe (Karnac Books, 2016, new edition by Aeon Books, 2019) and A Brain of My Own (Aeon Books, 2020). The Enslaved Queen has been translated and published in Germany (Asanger-Verlag, 2021). Her book of poetry, Forceps, was also published (Karnac books, 2016) along with a book of essays, From the Trenches, written with Dr. Alison Miller (Karnac Books, 2018, re-issued Routledge Books, 2019). Her fourth memoir, After Amnesia, is published on the SmartNews and Survivorship websites (2022). It also has been translated into German.

False Memories – The Deception That Silenced Millions – Lynn Crook

Lynn Crook explains why accused child molesters needed a defense, why they selected false memories and how they sold it to the media. She’ll explain how the media then sold false memories to the public with rhetoric and false, false memory research results. Prevalence rates were forgotten. As the media coverage slowed, FMSF recruited therapy patients for lawsuits against therapists. Today, psychology students learn about false memories in their textbooks. Although false memory claims are no longer making headlines except when celebrities are on trial, they have become a “given” as reporters paraphrase memory researcher Elizabeth Loftus.

Lynn Crook received an M. Ed. from the University of Washington. She worked at a sexual assault agency in eastern Washington as a community educator and treated clients in crisis. She admired the courage of her clients and soon discovered that she, too, was molested as a child. She sued her parents for damages in 1991. The judge declared in her favor in 1994, as false memories were making headlines. She discovered an oddity in the deposition of her parents’ expert, Elizabeth Loftus. That investigation led to her recent book, “FALSE MEMORIES – The Deception That Silenced Millions LLC.”

The Identification and Use of Trauma Triggers in the Treatment of Extreme Abuse Survivors – Dr. Randall Noblitt

The Identification and Use of Trauma Triggers in the Treatment of Extreme Abuse Survivors – Dr. Randall Noblitt – PowerPoint

Extreme abuse survivors sometimes seek psychotherapy services because of the overwhelming consequences of previous or ongoing incidents of abuse. Repeated severe circumscribed abuse often leaves survivors with trigger-responsive dissociation of identity and traumagenic amnesia, including initially impaired awareness of the abuse and its effects. This workshop will discuss methods for safely exploring, identifying, and desensitizing triggers where the goal is to assist clients in reclaiming effective self-regulation, autonomy, and quality of life.

Randy Noblitt is a professor of Clinical Psychology at Alliant International University, Los Angeles and a licensed psychologist in Texas. He has evaluated and treated extreme abuse survivors clinically since 1979. He has authored three editions of the book Cult and Ritual Abuse with Pam Noblitt (1995, 2000, 2014). Together they also edited Ritual Abuse in the 21st Century (2008) and they have authored a recent book, Navigating Social Security Disability Programs: A Handbook for Clinicians and Advocates (2020).

Ongoing Work by Survivor Led Non-profit Organisations in Scotland – Dr. Laurie Matthew OBE

Ongoing Work by Survivor Led Non-profit Organisations in Scotland – Dr. Laurie Matthew OBE – PowerPoint

Ongoing Work by Survivor Led Non-profit Organisations in Scotland – Dr. Laurie Matthew OBE

This presentation will explore the ongoing work carried out by survivor led non-profit organisations based in Scotland. Ritual Abuse Network Scotland (RANS) has provided support and information to adult survivors of ritual abuse for the past 20 years and Eighteen And Under has provided support services for young abuse survivors for the past 30 years. Both organisations have been at the frontier of raising awareness about ritual abuse in the UK and beyond. She will also share findings from recent survivor led participatory research highlighting the importance of involving survivors as researchers with lived experience in all aspects of research from deciding the research question, to agreeing methodology, gathering data, analysing results and dissemination of the findings..

Dr. Laurie Matthew OBE is founder and Manager of Eighteen And Under an award winning charity providing confidential support services to young people who have been sexually abused. She is also a founder member and advisor to Ritual Abuse Network Scotland the UK’s leading charity for survivors of organised and ritual abuse. She is the author of several books about ritual abuse and the multi-award-winning Violence Is Preventable abuse prevention programmes for children and young people. She has over 40 year’s experience of directly supporting abuse survivors. Her published research includes participatory research with adult ritual abuse survivors and participatory research with young survivors of sexual abuse.

Child Trafficking through Family Court Proceedings: A UK Case Study – Dr. Rainer Hermann Kurz

Child Trafficking through Family Court Proceedings: A UK Case Study – Dr. Rainer Hermann Kurz PowerPoint

This presentation builds on a decade-long investigation into two index incidents that led to the transfer of parental responsibility for a toddler from a mother to a Local Authority, and eventually adoption by the foster carer in suspicious circumstances marred by procedural irregularities. Index Incident 1, dismissed as untrue by a Family Court Judge, concerned the mother’s claim that she gave birth to a baby as a young teenager that succeeded from incestuous rape by her father and ‘disappeared’. Index Incident 2, that was also dismissed in the same judicial process, concerned a daytime sexual assault on the toddler in broad daylight. The presentation draws on a 60-minute audio recording describing the two index incidents and information submitted to a document review by complex trauma specialists in the process of preparing an appeal application. The content of the presentation is potentially triggering but provides rare insights into the workings of an Organized Ritual Crime Abuse Network (ORCAN) in the midst of society.

Rainer Kurz is a Chartered Psychologist based in London. Since 1990 Rainer has worked in Research & Development roles for leading test publishers. His PhD dissertation was on enhancing the validity and utility of ability testing. Rainer developed 50+ psychometric tests and authored more than 100 publications. He is a Consultant Editor for Test Reviews at the Psychometric Testing Centre (PTC) of the BPS. Rainer has been investigating complex trauma assessment problems since 2012. He presented 30+ posters on trauma, dissociation and healing at international peer-reviewed conferences that are available here:

The Effects of Social Movements on Survivor Support Systems and Survivor Recovery – Neil Brick

The Effects of Social Movements on Survivor Support Systems and Survivor Recovery – Neil Brick PowerPoint

The Effects of Social Movements on Survivor Support Systems and Survivor Recovery – Neil Brick – PowerPoint Transcript

Neil Brick will speak about the history of ritualistic abuse and the effects of social movements on survivors. He will present historical information regarding the literature of clinicians and researchers. He will describe the effects of social and historical movements on survivor support systems and survivor recovery.

Neil Brick is a survivor of ritualistic abuse. His work continues to educate the public about child abuse, trauma and ritualistic abuse crimes. His child abuse and ritualistic abuse newsletter S.M.A.R.T. has been published for over 28 years.

Please note: None of the material on these pages or at the conference is meant as therapy, or to take the place of therapy.