Tuesday, August 24, 2021

2021 Conference Video Presentations and PowerPoints  https://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/2021-conference/2021-conference-video-presentations-and


2021 Conference Video Presentations and PowerPoints  https://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/2021-conference/2021-conference-video-presentations-and


Online Presentations

These presentations may be difficult for survivors to view and listen to.  Survivors may want to have a support person present while viewing. All accusations are alleged. None of the material on these pages or at the conference is meant as therapy, or to take the place of therapy.


Ritual Abuse in the UK – Dr Laurie Matthew OBE https://youtu.be/st9kYo5s7GY

 Ritual Abuse in the UK – Laurie Matthew (Transcript of PowerPoint) https://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/2021-conference/ritual-abuse-in-the-uk-laurie-matthew/

 Survivors of ritual and organised abuse have increasingly broken silence to protect children, raise awareness, challenge abusers and institutions and demand services for recovery with varying success worldwide.  Her presentation will focus on the challenges, experiences and perspectives of ritual abuse survivors in the UK and parts of Europe over the past 30 years and explore the current situation in the UK.

 Dr. Laurie Matthew OBE is founder and Manager of Eighteen And Under an award winning charity providing confidential support services to young people who have been abused. She is also a founder member and advisor to Izzy’s Promise the UK’s leading charity for survivors of organised and ritual abuse and of the Ritual Abuse Network Forum (RANS). She is the author of several books about ritual abuse and the Violence Is Preventable abuse prevention programmes for children and young people. She has over 40 years experience of directly supporting abuse survivors. Her recently published research has included participatory research with adult ritual abuse survivors and participatory research with young survivors of sexual abuse who were unknown to authorities.


Deliberate Disinformation in the Orkney ritual child abuse case – Dr. Sarah Nelson OBE https://youtu.be/Nwk2Jz4nclY

 Deliberate Disinformation in the Orkney Ritual Child Abuse Case – Sarah Nelson OBE https://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/2021-conference/deliberate-disinformation-in-the-orkney-ritual-child-abuse-case-sarah-nelson/

 The Orkney child abuse case, a notorious and highly publicised case in the UK from 1991 – 1992, had the 30th anniversary in February this year of nine children being removed into care in “dawn raids” by police and social workers. After claims by three children from another family on South Ronaldsay, part of these northerly Scottish islands, about strange outdoor rituals and organised sexual abuse, grounds for action against their middle class parents and a clergyman referred to “group sexual activity, including ritualistic music, dancing and dress”.

 Six weeks later a Scots sheriff called the charges “fatally flawed” and dismissed the case without even hearing the evidence. The children were returned home in a blaze of international publicity. The evidence has never been tested to this day in any criminal or civil court; the parents were considered innocent, receiving an apology and financial compensation afterwards.

The case delivered a hammer blow to child protection against sexual abuse from which it has still not recovered. Anniversaries of the case are replayed in most media complete each time with substantial disinformation, and ridicule and dismissal of “satanic abuse” allegations. This presentation will summarise the main features of the case and describe the elaborate untruths and disinformation created around it from the start. It will also describe Inquiries into child sexual abuse cases which do, in contrast, put the children in the centre of the case at their heart.

 Dr. Sarah Nelson OBE (University of Edinburgh) has written and presented widely for decades on sexual abuse issues. Her research and publications include the voices of young survivors, critiques of current child protection systems, community prevention, ritual and organised abuse, media representations of abuse cases, and adult survivors’ experiences of mental and physical health services. She has also been a professional adviser to the Scottish Government and Scottish Parliament. Her book Tackling Child Sexual Abuse: Radical approaches to prevention, protection and support (Policy Press, UK and University of Chicago press, USA) was published in 2016.


Mind Control and How to Stop it – Neil Brick https://youtu.be/dOGq-z9l4KA

 Mind Control and How to Stop it – Neil Brick (Transcript of PowerPoint) https://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/2021-conference/mind-control-and-how-to-stop-it-neil-brick/

This presentation will explain how mind control and different suggestive techniques work in a variety of individual and public settings. These will include interpersonal relationships, abusive relationships, ritual abuse settings, social media, political manipulation and hypnosis. Ways to expose and prevent mind control will be discussed. Social views of mind control will be presented.

 Neil Brick is a survivor of ritual abuse and mind control. His work continues to educate the public about child abuse, trauma and ritual abuse crimes. His child abuse and ritual abuse newsletter S.M.A.R.T. https://ritualabuse.us  has been published for over 25 years. http://neilbrick.com

 Self-Esteem – Wendy Hoffman https://youtu.be/EIsaM5otQ7k   Please note: We apologize for the poor quality of this video, which may be difficult for survivors and others to listen to at times. A video with similar information is available at: https://youtu.be/MSdXT2q5Q_4

 Programming turns you away from your true self. Programmers and even satanic families do everything they can to make their victims feel bad about themselves, debasing them in every way possible. Deprived of the self-esteem that others take for granted makes surviving victims more vulnerable to programming lies. The hardest job is surviving satanic mind control while receiving little or no compassion, empathy or love. The second hardest job is healing from it. This healing is crucial if you want to belong to yourself, find out who you are, make your own decisions and life choices. It is hard work to explore what perpetrators put in innocent minds. This presentation addresses a preparatory step for this healing work. Before you begin, and even as you proceed, even after you finish, work on assessing how you really are as an individual, your courageous strengths and abilities. This workshop discusses ways survivors can achieve a truer picture of who they are, as well as ways their therapists and supporters can help them.

 Wendy Hoffman endured various forms of secret mind control, and consequently had amnesia for most of her life. She wants to help and support other survivors in their quests for freedom. Late in life, when she regained memory, she wrote books about what she had been forced to forget or dissociate. Among her published books are the memoirs, The Enslaved Queen (2014) and White Witch in a Black Robe (2015), as well as Forceps, poems about the birth of the self (2016), and a co-authored book of essays with Alison Miller, From the Trenches (2018). Her third memoir, A Brain of My Own with an Afterword by Alison Miller was published in 2020. Wendy has a LCSW-C and decades of experience, a MA and MFA.