Monday, August 28, 2017

In-Depth Exploration of RAMCOA: Five-In-A-Day Webinar Series Upcoming Webinar - Ritual Abuse/Mind Control/Organized Abuse

In-Depth Exploration of RAMCOA: Five-In-A-Day Webinar Series
Upcoming Webinar - Ritual Abuse/Mind Control/Organized Abuse
Friday, OCTOBER 6, 2017
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EDT
Presenters: Eileen Aveni, Lynette Danylchuk, Alison Miller, Michael Salter & Valerie Sinason

An Introduction to Ritual, Religious and Spiritual Abuse with Definitions, Discussion of Meaning and Attachment Patterns
Valerie Sinason, PhD, MACP, M Inst Psychoanal

Valerie Sinason PhD, MACP, M Inst Psychoanal, FIPD is a poet, writer, child, adolescent and adult psychotherapist and adult psychoanalyst. She was Founder Director of the Clinic for Dissociative Studies until her retirement in December 2016 and remains a Consultant. She is President of the Institute for Psychotherapy and Disability (IPD) and Hon Consultant Psychotherapist at the University of Cape Town Child Guidance Clinic; Patron of the Dorchester Trust, Chair of Trustees of the First People Art Centre – Nieu Bethesda Arts Foundation. Her extensive writing includes over 120 papers and chapters. 

Whilst the international community has become increasingly aware and accepting of the dangers of abuse whether through cyber grooming and bullying,  trafficking, abuse by family and others, (i.e. multiperpetrator abuse), Ritual Abuse, also known as Ritualistic abuse or sadistic abuse, still lacks acceptance. This places victims at greater risk and adds to the problems faced by mental health professionals.

Internal and External Safety  Alison Miller, PhD

Dr. Miller is a psychologist recently retired from private practice in British Columbia, Canada. She has worked with survivors of ritual abuse and mind control since 1991. She has been a fellow of the ISST-D (International Society for the Study of Trauma & Dissociation) since 2013. She is the 2017 Chair of the Ritual Abuse/Mind Control/Organized Abuse Special Interest Group of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation. Her books include: Becoming Yourself: Overcoming Mind Control and Ritual Abuse (for survivors), Healing the Unimaginable: Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control (for therapists), and (with Wendy Hoffman) From the Trenches: A Survivor and Therapist Talk about Mind Control and Ritual Abuse (in press).

Victims of organized abuse, in particular mind control and ritual abuse, frequently have deliberately designed personality systems with parts trained to maintain the security of the perpetrator group. Survivors' physical safety is endangered by parts trained to maintain ongoing contact with perpetrators.

The Complexities of Diagnosing Ritual Abuse and Mind Control in Your Client
Eileen Aveni, LCSW, LMSW, ACSW, BCD

Eileen Aveni, LCSW, LMSW, ACSW, BCD, holds a Diplomate in Clinical Social Work.  She is currently in private practice in Fairfax, Virginia, where she also does full-day & longer intensives and consultations for ritual abuse, mind control and organized abuse survivors and their therapists from around the US.  She also maintains a very active online practice which serves both Virginia and Michigan.  Eileen has been working with ritual abuse and mind control survivors for over 27 years.

Recognition of ritual abuse and mind control in survivors is complex, as they often present with clues that are not obvious to a clinician unfamiliar with this more complex and severe type of trauma.  This presentation will provide an overview of the clinical features and clues that ritual abuse and mind control may be present in the background of a client, despite apparently unrelated presenting problems. 

Working With Ritual Abuse Survivors: Patterns and Challenges
Lynette Danylchuk, PhD

Lynette Danylchuk, PhD, has recently finished her term as President of The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD). She has also been the Director of ISSTD’s Professional Training Program, and Co-chair of ISSTD’s Center for Advanced Studies in Trauma and Dissociation Certificate Program, the gold standard in trauma training for complex PTSD and dissociation.

There are several patterns and behaviors that are common in survivors of ritualized abuse, and these show up in therapy in ways that impact treatment and the therapeutic relationship.  Being able to identify those common themes helps both therapist and client see both the adaptive value in them, and how they need to change to allow the client to become self-empowered and free.  T

Organised Abuse in Adulthood: Towards a Cooperative Interagency Response
Michael Salter, PhD

Dr. Michael Salter is a senior lecturer in criminology at Western Sydney University, Australia. He is the author of the book Organised Sexual Abuse (Routledge, 2013) as well as numerous papers and book chapters on organised abuse, child abuse and violence against women.

This session will present the findings of an Australian interview study with women disclosing organised abuse in adulthood and the mental health professionals who support them. Organised abuse refers to the sexual abuse of multiple children by multiple perpetrators acting in a coordinated way, and is reported by a significant minority of clients in dissociative disorder clinics. It is not unusual for adults disclosing organised abuse to indicate that abuse continued into adulthood, and may be ongoing at the time of treatment. 

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