Wednesday, July 1, 2009

More evidence of Satanic ritual abuse crimes

There is no longer room for denial and disbelief - for evading the grim reality of SRA - by recourse to memory research which simply does not apply.

McCulley, D. "Satanic ritual abuse: A question of memory." Journal of Psychology and Theology Fall 1994 22(3) p.167-172
In spite of reports by thousands of adults who describe satanic ritual abuse in their backgrounds, the Special Issue of the Journal of Psychology and Theology reveals obdurate skepticism regarding their credibility on the part of several contributors. Some of these disbelievers currently are citing experiments demonstrating extreme malleability for human memory as evidence that survivor accounts, especially those involving delayed memory, are fantasies implanted by incompetent clinicians. However, leading memory researchers such as Dr. Bessel van der Kolk of Harvard Medical School maintain that traumatic memories, which typically are engraved in the sensorimotor processes, are not subject to the same kinds of contamination that can affect normal memory. Traumatic amnesia, described in the DSM-III-R as psychogenic amnesia, is a phenomenon which has been known to mental health professionals for more than 100 years. The clinically observed characteristics of traumatic memory formation and retrieval match precisely the patterns of memory recovery exhibited by SRA survivors, and strongly confirm the reality of their cult abuse.

Quotes: If satanic ritual abuse is a question of memory, the data redound to the credibility of those thousands of individuals who identify themselves as SRA survivors. All the scientific studies of memory under trauma indicate that the bimodal response described by van der Kolk (1994), whether hyperpotentiated or dissociative, heightens the reliability of recall. The phenomenon of recovered memory is not a new therapeutic fad created by irresponsible clinical experimentation, but a well established aspect of trauma. The connection between trauma and memory disturbance is made clear by the definition of psychogenic amnesia in the DSM-III-R (1987) which states that "The predominant disturbance is one or more episodes of inability to recall important personal information, usually of a traumatic or stressful nature, that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness" (p. 273).

Further, there often is corroboration for these retrieved memories. Judith Herman and Emily Schatzow (1992) found that in a sample of 53 women who disclosed memories of abuse for which they had been amnesic, 74% of the subjects were able to find independent confirmation from family members, pornographic photos, or diaries. Ivor Browne (1990a) found the "internal consistency of the traumatic account" persuasive, and also discovered that in the sizeable minority of cases where there was an available witness that "in every instance, the traumatic events . turn out to be true" (p. 30).

There is no longer room for denial and disbelief - for evading the grim reality of SRA - by recourse to memory research which simply does not apply. Solid scientific inquiry does not allow us that luxury; neither should Christian conscience.

Pike, P.L.; Mohline, R.J.(Eds.). "Ritual abuse and recovery: Survivors' personal accounts." Journal of Psychology and Theology Spring 1995 23 (1) p.45-55

Jonker, F; Jonker-Bakker, I "Reaction to Benjamin Rossen's Investigation of Satanic Ritual Abuse in Oude Pekela" Journal of Psychology and Theology 1992 20(3) p.260-262
quotes: The authors, Jonker and Jonker-Bakker, respond to Benjamin Rossen's criticisms of their handling of an alleged satanic ritual abuse incident in Oude Pekela, The Netherlands.
This response in turn criticizes the quality of Rossen's scientific work, especially in respect to his judgments made without having had direct contact with the children or their parents, or other principals in the incident....All Rossen's statements about the children and their parents, about Professor Mik, about school teachers and about ourselves were based on no contact whatsoever with any of us.

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