SMART Newsletter Celebrates Twenty-Six Years of Publishing - Neil Brick Editor
EASTHAMPTON, Mass., March 31, 2021- In 1995, the SMART (Stop Mind control And Ritual abuse Today) newsletter started publishing a small newsletter in Northampton, Massachusetts (now in Easthampton, Mass). In 1996, SMART began publishing on the Internet for the first time. SMART developed a website for survivors of ritual abuse and their helpers. SMART was one of the early educational resources for survivors of severe trauma, rape and abuse. In 1998, SMART began having weekend conferences for survivors and their helpers in Connecticut.
SMART has become one of the largest information and scientific resources on ritual abuse, cults, mind control, repressed memory, dissociation and dissociative identity disorder (formerly multiple personality disorder) on the Internet.
SMART's newsletter has provided informational resources about many child abuse cases over the years. Their newsletter has covered major events about ritual abuse and mind control. Articles have included information on Claudia Mullen, Valerie Wolf, the Extreme Abuse Surveys, MK-ULTRA, Satanic Ritual Abuse, clergy abuse including the Catholic Church sexual abuse crisis, day care cases, propaganda, sex trafficking, high profile serial child abuse and rape cases, including those of Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein and Jimmy Savile.
Speakers at SMART's conferences have included Lynne Moss-Sharman, Hal Pepinsky, Neil Brick, Adah Sachs, Alison Miller, Randy Noblitt, Wendy Hoffman, Carol Rutz, Wanda Karriker, Thorsten Becker, deJoly LaBrier, Laurie Matthews, Sarah Nelson and many others.
SMART has worked with other organizations including Survivorship to help educate the general public about ritual abuse and mind control crimes.
SMART continues to have yearly conferences in Connecticut. The newsletter recently published its 157th edition online at Neil Brick continues to publish research and research articles on child abuse, ritual abuse, mind control and dissociation. He continues to speak at conferences about ritual abuse and mind control.
SMART's goal is to continue publishing educational resources to help survivors of child abuse, ritual abuse, their helpers and the general public learn more about the prevalence of ritual abuse and mind control in the United States and around the world. SMART hopes that child and ritual abuse will someday be eliminated in the world and children will be safe.
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
SMART Newsletter Celebrates Twenty-Six Years of Publishing - Neil Brick Editor
Monday, March 29, 2021
Sex offenders sue state denied leftovers from Satanic feast, killed his girlfriend on behalf of ‘Satan’, Boarding School Owners 102 Charges In 'Horrific' Child Abuse Case "use the Bible to teach"
Clark Kauffman
Iowa Capital Dispatch
March 5, 2021
October 16, 2020 Kayla Crandall
Former Boarding School Owners Facing 102 Charges In 'Horrific' Child Abuse Case
“[It’s] one of the most widespread cases of sexual, physical and mental abuse patterns against young girls and women in Missouri history,” state attorney general Eric Schmitt said this week.
By Dorian Geiger
Facebook apps used in more than half of online child sex crimes
Thursday, March 25, 2021
New Speakers Announced for Survivorship's 2021 Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Online Conference
New Speakers Announced for Survivorship's 2021 Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Online Conference
This year's speakers include Neil Brick, Wendy Hoffman, Ellen Lacter, Randy Noblitt and Sarah Nelson.
Survivorship - For survivors of ritual abuse, mind control and torture and pro-survivors.

PACIFIC PALISADES, Calif., March 10, 2021 The conference on May 21-23, 2021 will focus on being a survivor or clinician in a changing world.
Neil Brick will speak about Mind Control and How to Stop it. This presentation will explain how mind control and different suggestive techniques work in a variety of settings.
Neil Brick is a survivor of ritual abuse and mind control. His child abuse and ritual abuse newsletter S.M.A.R.T. has been published for over 26 years.
Wendy Hoffman will speak about Self Esteem and Programming.
Wendy Hoffman endured various forms of high level secret mind control, and consequently had amnesia for most of her life.
Dr. Ellen Lacter will speak about One Hundred Children: A Parable for Healing from Dissociation-savvy Mind Control.
Dr. Lacter will also speak about Production of Sadistic Child abuse Materials: Psychology of the Victims and Perpetrators.
Ellen Lacter is a licensed Clinical Psychologist in private practice. She has been publishing and presenting on ritual abuse for 20 years.
Dr. Randy Noblitt will present Institutional Child Abuse: A Panel Presentation and General Discussion. This Panel presentation discusses a topic that is sadly regularly depicted in popular media, institutional child abuse.
Randy Noblitt is a clinical psychologist and professor of clinical psychology at the California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP) at Alliant International University, Los Angeles.
Sarah Nelson will speak about Deliberate Disinformation in the Orkney ritual child abuse case
The Orkney child abuse case, was a highly publicised case in the UK from 1991 - 1992, had the 30th anniversary in February this year of nine children being removed into care in "dawn raids" by police and social workers.
Dr. Sarah Nelson OBE (Universities of Edinburgh) has written and presented widely for decades on sexual abuse issues.
Olivia will speak about You're Not Who They Said You Are: My Battles For Freedom and Justice Through Perseverance and Exposing the Truth
She will be giving a broad overview of surviving 40 plus years of satanic ritual abuse and mind control
Olivia is a survivor of satanic ritual abuse and mind control at the government level.
Thursday, March 11, 2021
SMART Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Newsletter - March 2021
(Stop Mind control And Ritual abuse Today)
P. O Box 1295, Easthampton, MA 01027-1295 USA E-mail:
Home page:
Issue 157 – March 2021
The purpose of this newsletter is to help stop secretive organizations and groups from abusing others and to help those who allege they have been abused by such organizations and groups. This newsletter is not a substitute for other ways of recovering from ritual abuse. Readers should use caution while reading this newsletter. If necessary, make sure other support systems are available during and after reading this newsletter.
The resources mentioned in this newsletter are for educational value
only. Reading the books cited may or may not help your recovery process,
so use caution when reading any book or contacting any resource
mentioned in this newsletter. Some may have a religious or other agenda
that may be separate from your own recovery process. Others may have
valuable information on secretive organizations, but have triggers or be
somewhat sympathetic to those organizations. Unless explicitly stated
otherwise, the views expressed in this newsletter constitute expressions
of opinion, and readers are cautioned to form their own opinions and
draw their own conclusions by consulting a variety of sources, including
this newsletter. Resources listed, quoted and individual articles, etc.
and their writers do not necessarily support all or any of the views
mentioned in this newsletter. Also, the views, facts and opinions
mentioned in this newsletter are solely the opinions of the authors and
are not necessarily the opinions of this newsletter or its editor.
Copyright 2021 – All rights reserved. No reproduction of any material
without written permission from the editor and individual authors.
Information in this issue includes: Survivorship 2021 Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Online Conference Speakers, Dissociation, Mind Control, Ellen Lacter, ritual abuse, Sadistic Child Abuse Materials, Psychology of the Victims and Perpetrators, child abuse materials, dark web, Self-Esteem, Wendy Hoffman, programming,Neil Brick, busive relationships, ritual abuse settings, hypnosis, trauma, S.M.A.R.T., Institutional Child Abuse, Randy Noblitt , Disinformation, Orkney ritual child abuse case, Sarah Nelson, organised sexual abuse, child protection against sexual abuse, satanic ritual abuse, How to Find A Therapist, Elana Christiansen, DID symptom, complex trauma, Internal Family Systems , Brainspotting, EMDR, Ritual Abuse Evidence, Child Abuse Wiki, Dissociative identity disorder, Multiple Personality Disorder, MPD, Ireland’s mother and baby homes, Bon Secours mother and baby home in Tuam, The Memory War, Jennifer Freyd, Pam and Peter Freyd,False Memory Syndrome Foundation, sexual violence, Lost in the Mall,Kathy Pezdek, Divided Memories, FMSF’s claims, False Memory Syndrome Flawed Science, Loftus, Bessel van der Kolk, Paul Shanley, Scientific Evidence for Dissociative Amnesia, Betrayal Trauma, Ross Cheit, Recovered Memory Project,The Witch-Hunt Narrative, McMartin Preschool case , Jerry Sandusky, Bennett G. Braun’s research, Burgus v. Braun legal case, BASK Model of Dissociation, Michael Salter – Organized Abuse, Marilyn Manson, Ashley Walters, Evan Rachel Woods, Sarah McNeilly, Ashley Lindsay Morgan, Karl Sabbagh, British False Memory Society (BFMS), jailed for grooming child
Survivorship Announces its 2021 Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Online Conference Speakers
The conference will focus on being a survivor or clinician in a changing world.
Regular Conference – Saturday and Sunday May 22 – 23, 2021
Clinician’s Conference – Friday May 21, 2021
Conference information:
Conference Presenters (Please note: These descriptions may be triggering for survivors.)
One Hundred Children: A Parable for Healing from Dissociation-savvy Mind Control Presenter: Ellen Lacter, Ph.D.
Abstract: Based on intensive therapy with survivors of ritual abuse and mind control and extensive interviews with colleagues who are survivor-activists and survivor-therapists, she has written a parable with 15 fictionalized examples of programming of dissociated child identities that describe common kinds of tactics used in programming – torture, threats, punishment, tricks, lies, set-ups, false promises of love and safety, and use of victims’ righteous anger for the abusers’ own purposes. The intention is to help both identities who navigate daily life and more dissociated programmed identities to reflect on their programming and to exercise more conscious control over all of the abuser manipulations that they endured.
Production of Sadistic Child Abuse Materials: Psychology of the Victims and Perpetrators Presenter: Ellen Lacter, Ph.D.
Children are being subjected to increasingly sadistic abuse within the
production of child abuse materials on the dark web. Victims are often
very young and likely to develop a multitude of dissociated self-states.
As these self-states emerge in therapy, some provide detailed accounts
of the behavior of the perpetrators and their own mind’s spontaneous
formation of self-states. This presentation examines the dissociative
systems of the victims and proposes related dissociative mechanisms in
the perpetrators.
Ellen Lacter is a licensed Clinical Psychologist in private practice in San Diego. She also heads up the Play Therapy Certificate Program at University of California- San Diego, Division of Extended Studies. Her first degree was in art, the next in art therapy, then three years of training in expressive analysis, and then a doctorate in clinical psychology. She began as an art therapist in the 1970s. In the 1980s, her focus became child abuse and play therapy with abused children. By the 1990s, she was working with dissociative clients and victims of ritual abuse. In 2000, she created a website: to help survivors and educate therapists. She has been publishing and presenting on ritual abuse for 20 years. In more recent years, she has also developed expertise in treating victims of the production of sadistic child abuse materials.
Self-Esteem Presenter: Wendy Hoffman
Programming turns you away from your true self. Programmers and even
satanic families do everything they can to make their victims feel bad
about themselves, debasing them in every way possible. Deprived of the
self-esteem that others take for granted makes surviving victims more
vulnerable to programming lies. The hardest job is surviving satanic
mind control while receiving little or no compassion, empathy or love.
The second hardest job is healing from it. This healing is crucial if
you want to belong to yourself, find out who you are, make your own
decisions and life choices. It is hard work to explore what perpetrators
put in innocent minds. This presentation addresses a preparatory step
for this healing work. Before you begin, and even as you proceed, even
after you finish, work on assessing how you really are as an individual,
your courageous strengths and abilities. This workshop discusses ways
survivors can achieve a truer picture of who they are, as well as ways
their therapists and supporters can help them.
Wendy Hoffman endured various forms of high level secret mind control,
and consequently had amnesia for most of her life. She wants to help and
support other survivors in their quests for freedom. Late in life, when
she regained memory, she wrote books about what she had been forced to
forget or dissociate. Among her published books are the memoirs, The
Enslaved Queen (2014) and White Witch in a Black Robe (2015), as well
Forceps, poems about the birth of the self (2016), and a co-authored
book of essays with Alison Miller, From the Trenches (2018). Her third
memoir, A Brain of My Own with an Afterword by Alison Miller is
forthcoming. She has a LCSW-C and decades of experience, a MA and MFA.
Mind Control and How to Stop it Presenter: Neil Brick
This presentation will explain how mind control and different suggestive
techniques work in a variety of individual and public settings. These
will include interpersonal relationships, abusive relationships, ritual
abuse settings, social media, political manipulation and hypnosis. Ways
to expose and prevent mind control will be discussed. Social views of
mind control will be presented.
Neil Brick is a survivor of ritual abuse and mind control. His work
continues to educate the public about child abuse, trauma and ritual
abuse crimes. His child abuse and ritual abuse newsletter S.M.A.R.T. has been published for over 26 years.
Institutional Child Abuse: A Panel Presentation and General Discussion Presenter: Randy Noblitt
This panel presentation discusses a topic that is sadly regularly
depicted in popular media, institutional child abuse. We will address
abuse within established religions and new religious movements,
charitable associations, health care facilities, orphanages, and other
similar organizations and facilities from an international and historic
lens. We will then invite attendees to contribute to the discussion with
their own observations, comments, and questions with the ultimate
purpose of considering possible ways that there may be greater safety
for children.
Randy Noblitt is a clinical psychologist and professor of clinical psychology at the California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP) at Alliant International University, Los Angeles. He is the principle author of Navigating Social Security Disability Programs: A Handbook for Clinicians and Advocates (2020) as well as Cult and Ritual Abuse: Narratives, Evidence and Healing Approaches, 3rd Edition (2014). He is the co-editor and a contributor to Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-first Century: Psychological, Forensic, Social and Political Considerations (2008).
Deliberate Disinformation in the Orkney ritual child abuse case Presenter: Sarah Nelson
The Orkney child abuse case, a notorious and highly publicised case in
the UK from 1991 – 1992, had the 30th anniversary in February this year
of nine children being removed into care in “dawn raids” by police and
social workers. After claims by three children from another family on
South Ronaldsay, part of these northerly Scottish islands, about strange
outdoor rituals and organised sexual abuse, grounds for action against
their middle class parents and a clergyman referred to “group sexual
activity, including ritualistic music, dancing and dress”.
Six weeks later a Scots sheriff called the charges “fatally flawed” and
dismissed the case without even hearing the evidence. The children were
returned home in a blaze of international publicity. The evidence has
never been tested to this day in any criminal or civil court; the
parents were considered innocent, receiving an apology and financial
compensation afterwards.
The case delivered a hammer blow to child protection against sexual
abuse from which it has still not recovered. Anniversaries of the case
are replayed in most media complete each time with substantial
disinformation, and ridicule and dismissal of “satanic abuse”
allegations. This presentation will summarise the main features of the
case and describe the elaborate untruths and disinformation created
around it from the start.
Dr. Sarah Nelson OBE (Universities of Edinburgh) has written and presented widely for decades on sexual abuse issues. Her research and publications include the voices of young survivors, critiques of current child protection systems, community prevention, ritual and organised abuse, media representations of abuse cases, and adult survivors’ experiences of mental and physical health services. She has also been a professional adviser to the Scottish Government and Scottish Parliament. Her book Tackling Child Sexual Abuse: Radical approaches to prevention, protection and support (Policy Press, UK and University of Chicago press, USA)) was published in 2016.
You’re Not Who They Said You Are: My Battles For Freedom and Justice Through Perseverance and Exposing the Truth Presenter: Olivia
In this presentation, she will be giving a broad overview of surviving
40 plus years of satanic ritual abuse and mind control. Her primary
focus will be on the past four years when I made the decision and
commitment to reclaim my core identity, at all costs. She believes that
all survivors possess a spirit of resiliency that enabled them to live
through the traumas the first time and with that same resiliency they
have what they need to fight for their own truth and to take back their
own life. Her journey to freedom and healing has not been absent of
pain, fear, grief, loss and rejection, to name a few. It was her
conscious decision to fight back and to pursue vindication not only for
myself but for other survivors and has been key in my process to
Olivia is a survivor of satanic ritual abuse and mind control at the
government level. Through her own experiences, she has gained extensive
knowledge into many elements that encompass and keep intact such an evil
and complex system. With courage, perseverance and commitment into her
own journey to freedom and healing, she has chosen to break her own
silence and to be the voice for the many survivors who have not yet been
heard and are far too afraid to be seen. Her mission in life is to
educate others based on her experiences and to be an advocate for those
who are suffering and remain largely misunderstood, silenced and, too
often, rejected. Olivia’s desire is to use her story as a source of
strength, determination and compassion with the hopes of shedding light
into the darkness that she has known all too well.
How to Find A Therapist – An Interactive Discussion Group – Moderator: Elana Christiansen
Finding a qualified therapist to support someone with DID symptoms
and/or complex trauma may not be a straightforward path. Some people who
look for professional help may run into internal and external
challenges. This is a group discussion, that encourages audience
participation, for ideas for how to find a competent therapist and more
effective support.
Elana Christiansen is a psychotherapist in private practice in
California seeing clients experiencing trauma symptoms and dissociation.
Elana integrates modalities such as Internal Family Systems (IFS),
Brainspotting (BSP), and EMDR in her practice. She also volunteers in
the California prison system with an organization teaching communication
and life skills to individuals who are incarcerated.
Ritual Abuse Evidence
Frequently Asked Questions – What is Ritual Abuse? What is Mind Control? What is Dissociation?
Child Abuse Wiki – Ritual Abuse
Dissociative identity disorder (formerly called Multiple Personality
Disorder or MPD)
What is Survivorship? Survivorship is one of the oldest and most
respected organizations supporting survivors of extreme child abuse,
including sadistic sexual abuse, ritualistic abuse, mind control and
Survivorship Notes and Journal
2021 Winter Journal
Articles: Institutional Child Abuse – Annika Lundin and Randy Noblitt
Boulspo, 2016 – Wendy Hoffman
My Personal Experience – Victoria Skye
Poetry: Whitman’s Samplers on the dining room table – Forest Hills, 1940s – Wendy Hoffman
Now and Then – Victoria Skye
Report to reveal scale of abuse at Ireland’s mother and baby homes
Results of investigation expected to tell how 9,000 children died in 18 institutions between 1922 and 1998
Rory Carroll Ireland correspondent Mon 11 Jan 2021
The grim history of a network of religious institutions in Ireland that
abused and shamed unmarried mothers and their children for much of the
20th century is to be laid bare.
A judicial commission of investigation into Ireland’s mother and baby
homes has documented shocking death rates and callousness in
institutions that doubled as orphanages and adoption agencies.
The mother and baby homes commission is to share a 3,000-page report
with survivors of the system on Tuesday. Its five-year investigation was
prompted by the discovery of a mass grave of babies and children in
Tuam, County Galway.
The taoiseach, Michéal Martin, is to give a formal state apology in the
Dáil on Wednesday. Martin, who has read the report, reportedly found the
contents shocking and difficult to read.
It estimates 9,000 children died in 18 institutions between 1922 and
1998 when the last such home closed, according to a leak published in
the Sunday Independent. The infant mortality rate is said to have been
double the national rate, underlining the impact of neglect,
malnutrition and disease.
Another source of anger for survivors is the policy of the religious
organisations – and the state – to impede them from tracing each other.
Ireland denies adopted people the legal right to their own information
and files. The report is understood to chronicle many of the lies and
obfuscations of priests, nuns and officials.
“It’s a crucial moment. I’m sorry it’s taken so long to come out,”
said Anne Harris, 70, who gave birth to a son in an institution in
County Cork in 1970. “Irish society was quite rigid and judgmental about
children born out of wedlock. These huge institutions were where women
were just put away out of sight.”…
The commission was formed in 2014 after a historian, Catherine Corless,
found death certificates for nearly 800 children who were residents at
Bon Secours mother and baby home in Tuam but burial records for only
two. Excavations subsequently found an underground structure divided
into 20 chambers containing “significant quantities of human remains”,
the commission said in an interim report.
The government apologised on Monday to survivors for the media leak
over the weekend, which undermined a promise to give them first access
to the report before publication. It is considering compensation and
legislation to help mothers and their children trace each other, should
they wish….
The Memory War Jennifer Freyd accused her father of sexual
abuse. Her parents’ attempt to discredit her created a defense for
countless sex offenders.
By Katie Heaney
“Pam and Peter Freyd retaliated. In the wake of Jennifer’s
disclosure, they formed an organization called the False Memory Syndrome
Foundation. Through the nonprofit’s work, they popularized a term —
false memory — that became one of the most effective tools to instill
doubt not only about allegations of child sex abuse but in all forms of
sexual violence. Between 1992, when the foundation was launched, and
December 2019, when it abruptly shuttered, it bolstered the defense
strategy employed by countless sex offenders, from Michael Jackson to
Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein.”
“Peter (Freyd) was always interested in Jennifer’s (Freyd) sex life. On
one occasion, when kissing a high-school boyfriend while seated on her
bed, Jennifer caught her father watching them from her open doorway.
Another time, she found him reading her diary; he accused her of
purposely leaving it out where he could see it. Jennifer felt an
enormous relief when she left for college at age 16, though visiting
home for the holidays made it clear that little had changed: When guests
came over for dinner and drinks, Peter told them the family’s toy
poodle, Carbon, humped people to whom Jennifer was sexually attracted.
“In a variation on the (Lost in the Mall) mall study published in
1997, researchers sought to emphasize this distinction by presenting
subjects with one true memory and two false ones: being lost in the mall
and receiving a rectal enema. The hypothesis was that the less
plausible event, the enema, wouldn’t create false memories so easily.
Three of 20 subjects “remembered” having been lost in the mall. Zero
remembered the enema.
“The typical response was ‘No fucking way. That didn’t happen,’ ” says
Kathy Pezdek, a cognitive psychologist and an expert in eyewitness
memory, who conducted the experiment.
Coan, Loftus’s former student and now a neuroscientist and psychology
professor at the University of Virginia, has decidedly mixed feelings
about the experiment he inadvertently spearheaded. “I’m slow enough on
the uptake that it took me a while to realize that the study I was doing
was making people who had been sexually abused feel like I was their
enemy,” he tells me. “That was completely devastating to me.
” Although he has been asked to testify about false memory in
countless court cases, Coan has always refused. He just doesn’t think
the mall study is sufficiently relevant. In her excitement, he thinks,
Loftus may have “mischaracterized” what started out as an undergraduate
assignment for extra credit.
“I got five points,” Coan says. “Five points and decades of grief.”
“….But while the (False Memory Syndrome) foundation may be gone, its legacy is likely to be long-lasting. Stories of brainwashed daughters falsely accusing their parents have become a staple of popular culture, from talk shows like Sally Jessy Raphael to PBS documentaries like Divided Memories. “I was just astounded that this big lie could be perpetrated with impunity and with great success across all major media,” says Hopper, the Harvard psychologist. The concept of false memory does more than provide child sex abusers with a pseudoscientific defense — it offers a perversely reassuring explanation for anyone who wants to believe that such abuse is less common than it actually is. While statistics vary by source, an epidemiological overview of worldwide data estimates that 8 percent of boys and 20 percent of girls are sexually abused before the age of 18. And contrary to the FMSF’s claims, most victims of child sex abuse are extremely reluctant to share their abuse with others or reporting it to the police.”
The False Memory Syndrome at 30: How Flawed Science Turned into Conventional Wisdom
The false memory syndrome stands in direct scientific opposition to the
wealth of evidence supporting dissociative amnesia—a psychological
defense mechanism which, according to trauma therapists, enables people
to split off painful events from conscious awareness for years….
Moreover, the broad acceptance of the false memory syndrome in the
cultural ecosystem can end up silencing, or even shaming, people like
Jennifer Freyd, who believe that they have stumbled upon painful
experiences in their childhood and seek to understand the truth about
their own past and its connection to their current feelings. In
addition, in the courtroom, the Freyds’ view of memory can serve as a
protective shield for those who have, in fact, sexually abused children…
Another problematic flaw with the mall study is its laboratory
setting. “Loftus is not a clinician and never studied how people process
traumatic experiences,” said psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk. “Trauma
often overwhelms the central nervous system, so the brain may not be
able to register it fully when it happens. That’s why delayed memories
of abuse are not uncommon.”
Finally, critics have pointed out that the study is riddled with
methodological flaws and lapses in its reporting of results. For
example, in “Lost in the Mall: False Memory or False Defense,” published
in 2019 in The Journal of Child Custody, psychologists Ruth Blizzard
and Morgan Shaw reported that Loftus tossed out six subjects who were in
her original 1993 study—a move which constitutes a major ethical lapse
for an experimental researcher. “The mall study,” they concluded, “has
received a minimal amount of critical analysis, regardless of the vague
and contradictory reporting of results, failure to report negative
results, lack of definition of false memory, and conflation of informal
observations with formal research.”…
Loftus was the sole defense witness called in the February 2005 trial of the late Paul Shanley, the so-called “Boston street priest,” who had admitted on several occasions since the late 1970s—to both journalists and to church authorities—that he had abused numerous boys. The 2005 case concerned a Boston area firefighter who claimed that Shanley had raped him on numerous occasions when he was between six and nine years old. The accuser, who was 27 at the time of the trial, testified that he had forgotten about the years of abuse for about 15 years….
The Scientific Evidence for Dissociative Amnesia
The flip side to the false memory studies is a large body of research,
conducted over the last century, that provides evidence that
dissociative amnesia is, in fact, a common reaction to trauma. However,
this research has often been ignored in news articles and textbooks that
discuss the false memory syndrome.
“There are now hundreds of studies in lots of different populations
showing that people forget trauma,” said psychiatrist Bessel van der
Kolk. “We see it in victims of sexual abuse, natural disaster, torture,
rape, war, and kidnapping. And research also shows that delayed memories
of abuse are as reliable as continuous memories.”
One of the psychologists who has synthesized much of this research on
dissociative amnesia has been Jennifer Freyd herself. “I am a memory
psychologist, so I needed to make sense of what had happened to me,” she
said. In 1996, she published Betrayal Trauma: The Logic of Forgetting
Childhood Abuse (1996)—a book published by Harvard University Press,
which describes what she has called betrayal trauma theory. “Memory of
trauma can be dangerous to children,” she stated, summing up the central
argument of her book. “They may need to forget in order to function in
important relationships.”….
Evidence for dissociative amnesia has also been gathered by Brown University political scientist Ross Cheit,
who reports that he forgot his own sexual abuse at the age of 12 by a
camp counselor for decades. In the mid-1990s, he launched the Recovered
Memory Project, and he has now gathered 110 corroborated cases of
recovered memory. He also has compiled a long list of citations to
scholarly articles on dissociative amnesia in various populations such
as child abuse victims and Holocaust survivors.
Cheit spent a decade writing a book, The Witch-Hunt Narrative: Politics,
Psychology and the Sexual Abuse of Children (2014), in which he
reviewed the major child abuse cases over the previous 30 years—from the
McMartin Preschool case of the 1980s through the priest abuse cases and
the Jerry Sandusky case. In it, he documents how there has been a bias
in the media against recognizing dissociative amnesia, even though in
the clinical world it is well known that “sexual abuse disclosures are
often delayed and then disclosed in bits and pieces.”
Bennett G. Braun’s research
(with information about the Burgus v. Braun legal case)
Bennett Braun was a famous doctor that worked in the field of
dissociation and trauma in the 1980’s and early 1990’s. He created the
BASK Model of Dissociation, a model for understanding and healing
dissociation that is still used by some today.
The BASK Model of Dissociation Bennett G. Braun, M.D.
ABSTRACT The BASK model conceptualizes the complex phenomenology of
dissociation along with dimensions of Behavior, Affect, Sensation, and
Knowledge. The process of dissociation itself, hypnosis, and the
clinical mental disorders that constitute the dissociative disorders are
described in terms of this model, and illustrated.
Michael Salter – Organized Abuse
Organised abuse has been reported by child victims, adult survivors and a
range of professionals for over thirty years. However, organised abuse
remains poorly understood. This website has been developed by
criminologist Scientia Associate Professor Michael Salter who
specialises in the study of organised abuse and complex trauma. The aim
of the website is to disseminate reliable information about organised
abuse to professionals, victims and survivors.
Scientia Associate Professor Michael Salter
I am the Scientia Associate Professor in Criminology at the University
of New South Wales, Australia. I specialise in the study of organised
sexual abuse. In addition to my work on complex trauma, I have
researched and published widely on violence against women and children.
I sit on the Scientific Advisory Committee and the Board of Directors of
the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation. I
am an Associate Editor of Child Abuse Review, the peer-reviewed journal
of the British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse
and Neglect, and I sit on the editorial board of the Journal of Trauma
and Dissociation.
I act as a consultant and trainer to a range of non-government
organisations and government departments at the state and national
level. I am an expert advisor to the Australian Office of the eSafety
Commissioner and the Canadian Centre for Child Protection.
Marilyn Manson: His satanic majesty Friday 07 February 2014
….Manson would further stir up the fury of his adversaries by gleefully
declaring himself a Satanist, despite the fact that in his book he
states: “I’m not, and never have been, a spokesperson for Satanism. It’s
simply part of what I believe in, along with Dr Seuss, Dr Hook,
Nietzsche and the Bible…”
Ashley Walters Accuses Marilyn Manson Of Using Mind Control And Torture Tactics To Control Her Charisse Van Horn Feb 1, 2021
Photographer Ashley Walters has joined Evan Rachel Woods in coming
forward with allegations of abuse against rocker Marilyn Manson, whose
real name is Brian Warner. Turning to her official Instagram account,
Ashley shared a slideshow where she posted a four-part statement where
she accused Marilyn Manson of using mind control and torture tactics to
bring her under his control. She explained how she met Manson and came
to work for him as his assistant after he reached out to her in 2010.
She then describes her time with Marilyn Manson as one where he isolated
her from her friends and family members and then used extreme,
manipulative tactics to control her. She described Marilyn Manson as
exhibiting horrifying and deranged behavior. The allegations are very
similar to those made by others over the past decade, including Evan
Rachel Wood’s claims….
I’d witness him inflict this psychological abuse on everyone he
employed, everyone he dated. He would dictate the perimiters of our
reality. Horrifying, deranged behavior and insane scenarios became
normalized. He was extremely interested in mind control, torture tactics
[ie. different sound frequencies that would shift your mood, or make
you nauseous], and spy devices to gather information for blackmailing
and manipulation.
Artist Gabriella Says Marilyn Manson Sliced Their Hands To Make A Blood Pact, Tied Her Up, And Raped Her Charisse Van Horn Feb 1, 2021
An artist known as Gabriella, joined with other women including actress
Evan Rachel Wood, on February 1, 2021, to make her allegations of abuse
against rocker Marilyn Manson public. Choosing her Instagram platform to
make her allegations, Gabriella stated that she met Marilyn Manson
(real name Brian Warner) backstage at one of his concerts in 2015. She
echoed allegations made by model Sarah McNeilly who alleged that Marilyn
Manson love bombed her before devolving into depraved and terrorizing
behavior. According to Gabriella’s statement, Manson quickly wooed her,
fed her drugs, and on their second meeting, broke a wine glass, and cut
both of their hands so the two would enter a blood pact. She then
described their six-month romantic relationship as one where Manson
exhibited control over her through tactics of manipulation,
intimidation, fear, and sexual violence.
She alleged that Manson repeatedly tied her up and raped her. When she
would respond in tears, he stated that was a symbol of her love for him.
In addition to Gabriella’s and Evan Rachel Wood‘s public statements,
three other women went public on February 1, 2021, to allege that they
too were abused by Marilyn Manson. They are Ashley Walters, Ashley
Lindsay Morgan, and Sarah McNeilly.
Model Sarah McNeilly Says Marilyn Manson Love Bombed Her Then Tortured And Terrorized Her Charisse Van Horn Feb 1, 2021
Model Sarah McNeilly made her allegations of abuse against rocker
Marilyn Manson (real name Brian Warner) known on social media. Turning
to her Instagram account on February 1, 2021, Sarah McNeilly joined Evan
Rachel Wood, Ashley Walters, Ashley Lindsay Morgan, and artist
Gabriella by sharing her own encounters with Manson. Like many of the
others, she stated that Marilyn Manson lured her in, love bombed her,
and then after gaining her trust, quickly revealed his dark persona.
It’s unclear why the women chose February 1, 2021, to make their
allegations public nor is it known if any of the women have spoken to
the police. Evan Rachel Wood has told her story of abuse for years, but
though she alleged a former romantic partner had sexually, physically,
and emotionally brutalized her, she never stated his name. Now, Sarah
McNeilly has added her voice to the other women’s allegations as they
collectively state they want Brian Warner to stop abusing women.
Sarah’s story is similar to the other women’s tales of terror as she
alleges that she would be punished for bad behavior. According to Ashley
Lindsay Morgan, Marilyn Manson would punish her by locking her out of
the home with little to no clothing on. Ashley Walters described
punishments as including holding her hostage in his home and refusing to
allow her to leave. This coincides with Sarah McNeilly’s allegations
that Marilyn Manson would lock her in a room when he felt she was being
Evan Rachel Wood describing the abuse she suffered when she was in a relationship with Marilyn Manson
Evan Rachel Wood accuses Marilyn Manson of abuse 2 February 2021
‘Brainwashed’ On Monday, Wood alleged that Manson was her abuser for the
first time via a statement posted on her Instagram account.
“The name of my abuser is Brian Warner, also known to the world as
Marilyn Manson,” the Westworld actress claimed. “He started grooming me
when I was a teenager and horrifically abused me for years. I was
brainwashed and manipulated into submission.”
Remembering our Childhood: How Memory Betrays Us Karl Sabbagh
Print publication date: 2011 Print ISBN-13: 9780199218417 Published to
Oxford Scholarship Online: March 2015 Freyds and Feuds Karl Sabbagh
This chapter describes the British False Memory Society (BFMS) and its
American equivalent, the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF). These
organizations are made up of parents who had been accused of abuse —
they would say falsely — by one of their children.
Paedophile Karl Sabbagh, author and film maker, jailed for grooming child
By Will Walker 27th September 2019
A RENOWNED author and filmmaker was secretly a depraved paedophile who preyed on a ‘vulnerable’ child before grooming her.
Predator Karl Sabbagh began talking to his 14-year-old victim about
films and literature but the conversation soon moved on to him sending
videos of himself performing sex acts.
The 77-year-old pervert of Crab Tree Close, Bloxham, went on to ask the
child to ‘stop shaving her pubic hair’ and later sent her a vibrator in
the post….”He sent a video of himself masturbating, there was talk of
meeting her.”….
Sentencing, Judge Peter Ross, jailed Sabbagh for 45 months and ordered that he sign the sex offenders register for life.
New Speakers Announced for Survivorship's 2021 Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Online Conference
New Speakers Announced for Survivorship's 2021 Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Online Conference
PR Newswire
PACIFIC PALISADES, Calif., March 10, 2021
This year's speakers include Neil Brick, Wendy Hoffman, Ellen Lacter, Randy Noblitt and Sarah Nelson.
Survivorship - For survivors of ritual abuse, mind control and torture and pro-survivors.
PACIFIC PALISADES, Calif., March 10, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The conference on May 21-23, 2021 will focus on being a survivor or clinician in a changing world.
Neil Brick will speak about Mind Control and How to Stop it. This presentation will explain how mind control and different suggestive techniques work in a variety of settings.
Neil Brick is a survivor of ritual abuse and mind control. His child abuse and ritual abuse newsletter S.M.A.R.T. has been published for over 26 years.
Wendy Hoffman will speak about Self Esteem and Programming.
Wendy Hoffman endured various forms of high level secret mind control, and consequently had amnesia for most of her life.
Dr. Ellen Lacter will speak about One Hundred Children: A Parable for Healing from Dissociation-savvy Mind Control.
Dr. Lacter will also speak about Production of Sadistic Child abuse Materials: Psychology of the Victims and Perpetrators.
Ellen Lacter is a licensed Clinical Psychologist in private practice. She has been publishing and presenting on ritual abuse for 20 years.
Dr. Randy Noblitt will present Institutional Child Abuse: A Panel Presentation and General Discussion. This Panel presentation discusses a topic that is sadly regularly depicted in popular media, institutional child abuse.
Randy Noblitt is a clinical psychologist and professor of clinical psychology at the California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP) at Alliant International University, Los Angeles.
Sarah Nelson will speak about Deliberate Disinformation in the Orkney ritual child abuse case
The Orkney child abuse case, was a highly publicised case in the UK from 1991 - 1992, had the 30th anniversary in February this year of nine children being removed into care in "dawn raids" by police and social workers.
Dr. Sarah Nelson OBE (Universities of Edinburgh) has written and presented widely for decades on sexual abuse issues.
Olivia will speak about You're Not Who They Said You Are: My Battles For Freedom and Justice Through Perseverance and Exposing the Truth
She will be giving a broad overview of surviving 40 plus years of satanic ritual abuse and mind control
Olivia is a survivor of satanic ritual abuse and mind control at the government level.
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