Thursday, August 30, 2018
Survivorship Notes for Sept/Oct 2018 is now online
Survivorship 2018 Notes Sept/Oct
Wednesday 7th November 2018
Clergy abuse survivors push for federal investigation into Catholic Church
Clergy abuse survivors push for federal investigation into Catholic Church
By Daniel Burke, CNN Religion Editor Thu August 30, 2018
(CNN) Survivors of clergy sex abuse stood in front of the Vatican embassy in Washington on Thursday and urged two higher powers -- the Pope and the US Department of Justice -- to take concrete steps to prevent more abuses and hold abusers accountable.
"They have plenty of evidence," said Peter Isely, spokesman for the group Ending Clergy Abuse. "Let's launch this investigation. Let's do it now."
The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP) and Center for Constitutional Rights have also sent a letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein demanding an "investigation and prosecution of high-level officials in the Catholic Church" for sexual crimes and cover-ups.
"It is long past time for the US Department of Justice to initiate a full-scale, nationwide investigation into the systemic rape and sexual violence, and cover-ups in the Catholic Church, and, where appropriate, bring criminal and/or civil proceedings against the hierarchy that enabled the violations," the groups said in the letter....
SNAP's letter demanding a federal investigation is dated August 15, one day after a damning report by a grand jury in Pennsylvania said there is credible evidence that 301 "predator priests" abused more than 1,000 children in six dioceses since 1947.
Because the statute of limitations had run out on most of the crimes, only two priests have been charged as a result of the two-year-long investigation.
But the Pennsylvania report has prompted officials in several other states, including Illinois and Missouri, to open inquiries into allegations of sexual misconduct by Catholic clergy.
SNAP said they have been asking for a federal investigation into the Catholic Church since 2003, during the church's last widespread scandal of clergy sex abuse....
In an explosive letter published Sunday, former Vatican ambassador Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò said that top church officials, including Pope Francis, knew that McCarrick had been accused of abusing seminarians but covered it up. Viganò also accused Francis of lifting restrictions placed on him by the previous pope, Benedict XVI.
Vigano wrote that documents backing up his accusations were in Vatican files in the Washington embassy, where he worked from 2011-2016, when he was removed by Pope Francis.
The Pope has said he will not comment on the accusations.
Monday, August 27, 2018
Nuns charged in Smyllum Park child abuse investigation, The ghosts of St. Joseph's orphanage: BuzzFeed News reveals extent of child abuse
"In the United States, however, no such reckoning has taken place. Even today the stories of the orphanages are rarely told and barely heard, let alone recognized in any formal way by the government, the public, or the courts. The few times that orphanage abuse cases have been litigated in the US, the courts have remained generally indifferent. Private settlements could be as little as a few thousand dollars. Government bodies have rarely pursued the allegations."
Nuns charged in Smyllum Park child abuse investigation
Police examining claims of abuse over decades at Catholic home charge 12 people Severin Carrell Scotland editor
Thu 23 Aug 2018
Police examining claims of abuse over decades at Catholic home charge 12 people Severin Carrell Scotland editor
Thu 23 Aug 2018
Police in Scotland have arrested and charged nuns and a number of other former staff in an investigation into alleged child abuse at a Catholic children’s home.
The nuns are among 12 people who have been charged by detectives investigating detailed allegations of systematic physical and sexual abuse of children over many decades at Smyllum Park in Lanark.
Police Scotland said another four former staff at the Catholic institution would be reported to the Crown Office, Scotland’s prosecution service, later on Thursday.
The force would not release any further details about the identities of those charged or the offences they face, pending final decisions by prosecutors.
“Twelve people, 11 women and one man, ages ranging from 62 to 85 years, have been arrested and charged in connection with the non-recent abuse of children,” it said....
The allegations of abuse at Smyllum Park, including unsubstantiated claims of “satanic” rituals at the home, have been at the centre of a long-running official public inquiry into child sexual abuse at children’s homes in Scotland.
The Scottish child abuse inquiry (SCAI) has been told by former residents that lay staff and nuns at the home, run by the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul until it closed in 1981, repeatedly beat and punched them, verbally abused and humiliated them for wetting beds and left them without food and that some male and female staff sexually abused the children in their care.
It is alleged that at least one child, a boy aged six, died as a result of a severe beating that prevented him from recovering from an infection some days later.
Gregor Rolfe, a lawyer for the Daughters of Charity, told the SCAI last year that one male former member of staff may have sexually abused children whom he took on holidays. Those allegations were reported to nuns but not passed to the police....
The families of former residents were horrified to discover that the remains of up to 400 children were buried in a large plot of unmarked graves in a cemetery nearby.
More than 11,000 children were placed at Smyllum Park from its opening in 1864 to its eventual closure 117 years later. Some were orphaned, but others were from families unable to look after them. Death certificates revealed that many of the children died from tuberculosis, pneumonia and pleurisy.
Smith is expected to release a special preliminary report on Smyllum Park in coming weeks. Her full report is not expected until some time after October 2019.
The Scottish Daily Mail reported on Thursday that police had also begun a separate investigation into the Sisters of Nazareth, another Catholic order that ran children’s homes that are under scrutiny by Smith’s inquiry.
The ghosts of St. Joseph's orphanage: BuzzFeed News reveals extent of child abuse
Christine Kenneally, BuzzFeed Aug. 27, 2018
Christine Kenneally, BuzzFeed Aug. 27, 2018
In the 1990s, Burlington Free Press journalists including Sam Hemingway reported extensively on allegations of child abuse by former residents of St. Joseph's Orphanage in Burlington. Two decades later, Christine Kenneally, a reporter for the online news site BuzzFeed News, has spent four years revisiting the scandal of child abuse at Catholic orphanages around the United States.
Much of Kenneally's report focuses on abuse at the Burlington orphanage, which was located on North Avenue. With BuzzFeed News' permission, the Free Press publishes this excerpt.
It was a late summer afternoon, Sally Dale recalled, when the boy was thrown through the fourth-floor window.
“He kind of hit, and— ” she placed both hands palm-down before her. Her right hand slapped down on the left, rebounded up a little, then landed again.
For just a moment, the room was still. “Bounced?” one of the many lawyers present asked. “Well, I guess you’d call it — it was a bounce,” she replied. “And then he laid still.”
Sally, who was speaking under oath, tried to explain it. She started again. “The first thing I saw was looking up, hearing the crash of the window, and then him going down, but my eyes were still glued— .” She pointed up at where the broken window would have been and then she pointed at her own face and drew circles around it. “That habit thing, whatever it is, that they wear, stuck out like a sore thumb.”....
A nun was standing at the window, Sally said. She straightened her arms out in front of her. “But her hands were like that.”
There were only two people in the yard, she said: Sally herself and a nun who was escorting her. In a tone that was still completely bewildered, she recalled asking, Sister?
Sister took hold of Sally’s ear, turned her around, and walked her back to the other side of the yard. The nun told her she had a vivid imagination.
We are going to have to do something about you, child.
Sally figured the boy fell from the window in 1944 or so, because she was moving to the “big girls” dormitory that day. Girls usually moved when they were 6, though residents of St. Joseph’s Orphanage in Burlington, Vermont, did not always have a clear sense of their age — birthdays, like siblings and even names, being one of the many human attributes that were stripped from them when they passed through its doors. She recounted his fall in a deposition on November 6, 1996, as part of a remarkable group of lawsuits that 28 former residents brought against the nuns, the diocese, and the social agency that oversaw the orphanage.
I watched the deposition — all 19 hours of grainy, scratchy videotape — more than two decades later. By that time sexual abuse scandals had ripped through the Catholic Church, shattering the silence that had for so long protected its secrets. It was easier for accusers in general to come forward, and easier for people to believe their stories, even if the stories sounded too awful to be true. Even if they had happened decades ago, when the accusers were only children. Even if the people they were accusing were pillars of the community.
But for all these revelations — including this month’s Pennsylvania grand jury report on how the church hid the crimes of hundreds of priests — a darker history, the one to which Sally’s story belongs, remains all but unknown. It is the history of unrelenting physical and psychological abuse of captive children. Across thousands of miles, across decades, the abuse took eerily similar forms: People who grew up in orphanages said they were made to kneel or stand for hours, sometimes with their arms straight out, sometimes holding their boots or some other item. They were forced to eat their own vomit. They were dangled upside down out windows, over wells, or in laundry chutes. Children were locked in cabinets, in closets, in attics, sometimes for days, sometimes so long they were forgotten. They were told their relatives didn’t want them, or they were permanently separated from their siblings. They were sexually abused. They were mutilated.....
In the United States, however, no such reckoning has taken place. Even today the stories of the orphanages are rarely told and barely heard, let alone recognized in any formal way by the government, the public, or the courts. The few times that orphanage abuse cases have been litigated in the US, the courts have remained generally indifferent. Private settlements could be as little as a few thousand dollars. Government bodies have rarely pursued the allegations....
Ritual Abuse Conference - Dr. Randy Noblitt and Neil Brick
Changes in Awareness of Severe Abuse and Child Abuse Crimes Over Twenty Five Years by Neil Brick
The Credibility of Ritual Abuse Allegations by Dr. Randy Noblitt
Child and Ritual Abuse Conference Helps Educate Survivors and Their Helpers
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Explosive Report on Catholic Church Abuse, Protections for pedophile priests, Ritual Abuse Conference - Dr. Randy Noblitt and Neil Brick
- Why the Explosive Report on Catholic Church Abuse Is Unlikely to Yield Criminal Charges
- Tear down the protections for pedophile priests
- The Credibility of Ritual Abuse Allegations
- Changes in Awareness of Severe Abuse and Child Abuse Crimes Over Twenty Five Years
- Child and Ritual Abuse Conference Helps Educate Survivors and Their Helpers
Why the Explosive Report on Catholic Church Abuse Is Unlikely to Yield Criminal Charges
By Dan Levin Aug. 15, 2018
By Dan Levin Aug. 15, 2018
The searing grand jury report issued Tuesday in Pennsylvania that accuses bishops and other Roman Catholic Church leaders in that state of covering up child sexual abuse by more than 300 priests has prompted growing calls for justice, while leaving Americans wondering about the broader impact of the revelations on the church and other institutions.
But a web of legal barriers stands in the way of prosecuting most of the cases, and efforts to ease those barriers have repeatedly run into political opposition and fierce lobbying by the church and other groups. Pennsylvania lags behind many other states in coming to grips with the problem, despite a series of grand jury investigations stretching back 15 years....
The nearly 900-page grand jury report is unlikely to lead to any new criminal charges or civil lawsuits over the abuse that it catalogs, because the statute of limitations has expired on those cases. Current state law allows victims of abuse as children 12 years to sue after they come of age at 18, meaning they must do so by age 30. Criminal complaints must be filed by the time the victim is 50. Those rules leave the vast majority of abuse survivors, who came forward later in life — the grand jury said they include people as old as 83 — with no legal recourse. Only two of the cases in the report have so far led to criminal charges....
Tear down the protections for pedophile priests
By Editorial Board August 20
IN AN extraordinary communique to the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics, Pope Francis on Monday acknowledged the “atrocities” committed by pedophile priests and the church hierarchy that systematically covered up their crimes, recognized the inadequacy of efforts “to beg pardon” and admitted that the victims’ “wounds never go away.” In so doing, the pontiff provided a powerful rationale for dropping the church’s long-standing opposition to allowing decades-old cases of rape and molestation by priests to be subject to prosecution and lawsuits.
At last, after years of half-measures and tone-deaf remarks, the pope seems to have woken up to the scale of abuse and corruption sanctioned by the church. The question now is whether he is willing or able to turn the tide of institutional resistance in the Vatican and dioceses worldwide that too often has blocked victims from seeking justice and recompense....
Many states have extended or dropped limits on the number of years within which prosecutors are able to charge child sexual abuse felonies. In other states, including Maryland, New York and Pennsylvania, efforts to extend criminal statutes of limitations have failed. And the church has spent millions of dollars fighting changes in statutes of limitations to give victims, who often cannot speak for decades about the abuse they suffered as children, more time to bring civil lawsuits.
The Credibility of Ritual Abuse Allegations
Presenter: Randy Noblitt, PhD
Changes in Awareness of Severe Abuse and Child Abuse Crimes Over Twenty Five Years Presenter: Neil Brick
Child and Ritual Abuse Conference Helps Educate Survivors and Their Helpers; Speakers included Dr. Randy Noblitt and Neil Brick
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
21 victims of sex abuse at St. Paul's School, CIA Mind Control/Secret Experiments, Ritual Abuse Research and Conference, Neil Brick, Randy Noblitt
New report lists 21 additional victims of sexual abuse at St. Paul's School
10 former faculty members named in report
WMUR Aug 21, 2018 Jean Mackin
10 former faculty members named in report
WMUR Aug 21, 2018 Jean Mackin
A new report from St. Paul's School in Concord reveals more allegations of sexual misconduct against its staff.
The independent investigation commissioned by the school found what it calls substantiated reports of sexual misconduct....
In May of 2017, St. Paul's School released its first report after requesting a law firm conduct an independent investigation, at the time stating that 13 former staff members had sexually abused children between 1948 and 1988....
The private school also vowed to change its culture after the 2015 case of Owen Labrie. The St. Paul's graduate was convicted of misdemeanor sexual assault on a younger female student during a sexual conquest ritual known as the “senior salute.”
Labrie’s appeal is scheduled to go before the state Supreme Court next month....
CIA Mind Control | CIA Secret Experiments
National Geographic
During the Cold War, the CIA launched a highly classified program aimed at mastering the art of mind control.
CIA Secret Experiments - Information on Ewen Cameron
National Geographic
During the Cold War, the CIA launched a highly classified program aimed at mastering the art of mind control.
CIA Secret Experiments - Information on Ewen Cameron
Ritual Abuse - Child Abuse Wiki
Ritual abuse exists all over the world. There have been reports, journal articles, web pages and criminal convictions of crimes against children and adults.
Ritual abuse exists all over the world. There have been reports, journal articles, web pages and criminal convictions of crimes against children and adults.
The 2018 Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference
The Credibility of Ritual Abuse Allegations
Presenter: Randy Noblitt, PhD
Presenter: Randy Noblitt, PhD
Changes in Awareness of Severe Abuse and Child Abuse Crimes Over Twenty Five Years Presenter: Neil Brick
Child and Ritual Abuse Conference Helps Educate Survivors and Their Helpers; Speakers included Dr. Randy Noblitt and Neil Brick
Child and Ritual Abuse Conference Speakers Included:
• Dr. Randall Noblitt
• Neil Brick
• Jillian Jackson
• Manjot Singh Khalsa
• Mike Skinner – Musician
Child and Ritual Abuse Conference Speakers Included:
• Dr. Randall Noblitt
• Neil Brick
• Jillian Jackson
• Manjot Singh Khalsa
• Mike Skinner – Musician
Information on Neil Brick
Neil Brick
Information on Neil Brick
In 1995, Neil Brick founded the SMART newsletter. In 1996, SMART was on the Internet and in 1998 SMART started having ritual abuse conferences.
There are now 141 newsletters online at
with many conferences with online transcripts and ordering information
Neil Brick spoke at the:
The 2018 Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference
August 18 – 19, 2018 in Connecticut
His topic is: Changes in Awareness of Severe Abuse and Child Abuse Crimes Over Twenty Five Years
The awareness of severe abuse and child abuse crimes has changed over the last 25 years. In the early 1990s, severe abuse survivors were often believed and supported. Then a backlash started and severe abuse survivors and their supporters were harassed and attacked. The child abuse survivor movement changed and adapted. Ten years ago, research began again to help expose severe abuse crimes. More recently, first in the UK and Australia and now in the United States, a variety of child abuse, severe abuse, sexual harassment and rape cases are bringing public awareness again to the mainstream media of severe abuse crimes. This presentation will discuss the changes of the last 25 years, with an emphasis on the more recent exposures of organized child abuse crimes and social systems that have been part of the cover up of these crimes.
Neil Brick is a survivor of ritual abuse and mind control. His work continues to educate the public about child abuse, trauma and ritual abuse crimes. His child abuse and ritual abuse newsletter S.M.A.R.T. has been published for over 23 years.
Articles by Neil Brick
Neil Brick has worked hard to build a research base for child abuse and ritual abuse survivors. Neil Brick has worked to develop advocacy efforts to help survivors and their helpers.
There are online articles with inaccurate information about Neil Brick. This web page responds to factual errors about Neil Brick and his work.
Those interested in contacting Neil for an interview may write for more information.
Neil Brick has always been a strong advocate for people thinking for themselves. Neil Brick has encouraged people to use their critical thinking skills and fully research topics.
In one presentation, Neil Brick stated :
“Please use your own judgment and research everything as fully as possible. Don’t accept anything anyone says simply because they say it is true or claim to be an expert. Try to check it out for yourself.”
Several of Neil Brick’s articles (listed below) provide readers information on how to avoid being mind controlled and encourage readers to find out for themselves about topics from as many sources as possible.
Advocacy Alert
Petition to Stop Attacks Against Child Abuse and Ritual Abuse Survivors and Neil Brick
Please sign at:
Please sign this petition to show support for child abuse and ritual abuse survivors. One may use the check box below the signature area to keep your name confidential. We are asking everyone to sign this petition and let others know about it. Let’s stop the attacks against child abuse survivors and their helpers.
Trump and Fascism
This page is a data dump of articles about Donald Trump, those working with Trump and historical articles about fascism. Fascism uses different types of mind control to control people. Donald Trump has been accused of using propaganda and mind control techniques to win the election, to control people’s opinions of him and to control their opinions of other topics. This page contains excerpts from articles related to this topic.
Neil Brick’s conference presentation transcripts:
Neil Brick – Survivorship Conference 2017 – How to Avoid Being Mind Controlled at a Conference
Neil Brick – Survivorship Conference 2017 – Freedom from Mind Control
How to Avoid Being Mind Controlled at a Conference and Freedom from Mind Control – 2017 Presentation by Neil Brick Topics include:
Neil Brick, Satanic Temple, Grey Faction, Doug Mesner, Lucien Greaves, mind control, propaganda, hypnosis, ritual abuse
The Urban Legends of Those Attacking Ritual Abuse Theories and the False Logic of False Memory Proponents and Their Occultist Supporters – Presentation at the 2016 Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference
Second half of the article discusses the Grey Faction, a part of the Satanic Temple and Lucien Greaves/Doug Mesner.
How to Avoid Being Mind Controlled at a Conference
The Battle to Stop Ritual Abuse by Neil Brick
Doing the right thing and getting stronger at the same time, a survivor’s path to recovery and helping others by Neil Brick
Recent Child Abuse Crimes and Efforts to Unite Survivors by Neil Brick
Always Getting Stronger: Giving Survivors a Voice in the World by Neil Brick
The Myth of Panic – Exposing Theories Used to Cover Up Ritual Abuse Crimes by Neil Brick
Fighting the Spin : The Truth about Child Abuse Cases by Neil Brick
The Move from Blame the Victim to Blame the Helper by Neil Brick
Ritual Abuse, the trenches of the stopping child abuse movement by Neil Brick
Debating The Non-Believers – Getting equal time for Survivors’ Views by Neil Brick
Stopping Ritual Abuse – What can we do today by Neil Brick
The 12-step Healing Process and Survivor Advocacy by Neil Brick
How healing from ritual abuse and mind control works by Neil Brick
How can we advocate for survivors of ritual abuse by example and advocacy? by Neil Brick
Stopping Mind Control and Healing by Neil Brick
My healing and helping others by Neil Brick
My Most Recent Memories and My Personal Growth by Neil Brick
Trigger management and conference safety presentation by Neil Brick
Other papers, articles and transcripts written by Neil Brick
Evolving as a Movement – Taking a Step Forward
How Childhood Sexual Abuse Affects Interpersonal Relationships by Neil Brick
The Etymological Antecedents of and Scientific Evidence for the Existence of Dissociative Identity Disorder by Neil Brick
The Neurological Basis for the Theory of Recovered Memory by Neil Brick
The Alleged Ethical Violations of Elizabeth Loftus in the Case of Jane Doe by Neil Brick
Propaganda & Mind Control by Neil Brick
Ritual Abuse and Its Political Implications by Neil Brick
Solidarity in the fight against Ritual Abuse and Torture by Neil Brick
Advocacy and Saving Lives by Neil Brick
Ritual Abuse/Mind Control Presentation by Neil Brick
Data proving the existence of recovered memory, ritual abuse, mk-ultra and information on the backlash by Neil Brick
How Cues and Programming Work in Mind Control and Propaganda by Neil Brick
Video on youtube –
Proof ritual abuse and Satanic ritual abuse exists by Neil Brick
Information on harassment of Neil Brick and SMART
Neil Brick’s response to attacks and harassment by false memory proponents.
Grey Faction, Satanic Temple and Lucien Greaves Fact Sheet:
For almost a decade Douglas Misicko using several aliases (including Douglas Mesner and Lucien Greaves) has harassed groups helping child abuse, rape and trauma survivors. He has also harassed groups providing research in support of child abuse, rape and trauma survivors.
In 2013, he and others created a group called the Satanic Temple. One part of this group is called the Grey Faction. The Grey Faction states they “invade” conferences. These conferences are provided to help and educate child abuse, rape and trauma survivors and their helpers.
Exposing Doug Mesner/Lucien Greaves – co-founder of the Satanic Temple and Grey Faction presenter
Reply to the Grey Faction’s Petition to Revoke the License of Neil Brick
Reply to the Satanic Temple’s Grey Faction online guest post
Rebuttal to the Grey Faction Lucien Greaves presentation about SMART and additional Grey Faction information about Neil Brick
Douglas Misicko alias Douglas Mesner update 7 – Radio Interview Rebuttal
Douglas Misicko alias Douglas Mesner update 6 – article
#Neil_Brick #NeilBrick Neil Brick @NeilBrick @Neil_Brick
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Child and Ritual Abuse Conference Helps Educate Survivors and Their Helpers; Speakers included Dr. Randy Noblitt and Neil Brick
Child and Ritual Abuse Conference Helps Educate Survivors and Their Helpers; Speakers included Dr. Randy Noblitt and Neil Brick
Child and Ritual Abuse Conference Speakers Included:
• Dr. Randall Noblitt
• Neil Brick
• Jillian Jackson
• Manjot Singh Khalsa
• Mike Skinner – Musician
Windsor Locks, CT – WEBWIRE – Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Ten years ago, research began again to help expose severe abuse crimes. More recently, first in the UK and Australia and now in the United States, a variety of child abuse, severe abuse, sexual harassment and rape cases are bringing public awareness again to the mainstream media of severe abuse crimes.On Saturday and Sunday August 18 and 19, 2018, S.M.A.R.T. Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Newsletters sponsored an educational conference for survivors of ritual abuse and their helpers. Attendees report that the conference was a great success. In addition to the excellent presentations, there were opportunities for networking with other attendees and reading books and literature on the topics of severe child abuse, cults and mind control.
Dr. Randy Noblitt discussed the research surrounding examining the credibility of ritual abuse allegations. Neil Brick presented information about the progress of the child abuse movement over the last twenty-five years. A copy of his transcript is online.
Jillian Jackson presented information on Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT). Manjot Singh Khalsa presented on the topic of Radikal Healing, a holistic therapeutic approach for the healing of trauma. He presented a Kundalini Yoga experiential workshop called Be Here Now. Michael Skinner performed songs from several of his CDs. He addresses the issues of trauma, abuse and mental health concerns through public speaking and his music.
Scientific research and resources were presented during the conference, including Proof That Ritual Abuse Exists and a Large List of Ritual Abuse and Child Abuse References.
Sunday, August 19, 2018
Maryland private school investigating alleged sexual abuse, Online Conference Presentations from the Child/Ritual Abuse Conference - August 2018
- Maryland private school investigating alleged sexual abuse
- Changes in Awareness of Severe Abuse and Child Abuse Crimes Over Twenty Five Years Presenter: Neil Brick
- The Credibility of Ritual Abuse Allegations Presenter: Randy Noblitt, PhD
Maryland private school investigating alleged sexual abuse
Aug 19th 2018
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — A private school in Maryland has launched an investigation into allegations that a culture of sexual abuse existed in the 1970s with administrators' knowledge, a newspaper reported.
Aug 19th 2018
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — A private school in Maryland has launched an investigation into allegations that a culture of sexual abuse existed in the 1970s with administrators' knowledge, a newspaper reported.
The Washington Post reports two Baltimore lawyers are leading the investigation into allegations at the Key School in Annapolis, Maryland. Matthew Nespole, the current head of the school that teaches prekindergarten through 12th grade, told the newspaper that a February review of allegations indicated former Key officials failed to protect students.
"It appears that members of the Key community neglected to respond appropriately to contemporaneous reports made by former students of faculty misconduct that includes the sexual victimization of students," Nespole said in a statement this month....
Joe Janney, president of the school's board of trustees, said in a statement that the allegations are "credible" and "extremely upsetting."
Former students told the newspaper it was widely known that some Key teachers had sex with underage students. Some teachers were fired after complaints from students or parents, according to interviews with accusers. But many stayed in the classrooms, continuing the alleged abuse, according to the report. The accusers, who are now in their 50s and 60s, said the school has yet to confront the scope of the behavior, and its effects are still being felt more than 40 years later....
Online Conference Presentations from the Child and Ritual Abuse Conference - August 2018
Changes in Awareness of Severe Abuse and Child Abuse Crimes Over Twenty Five Years Presenter: Neil Brick
The awareness of severe abuse and child abuse crimes has changed over the last 25 years. In the early 1990s, severe abuse survivors were often believed and supported. Then a backlash started and severe abuse survivors and their supporters were harassed and attacked. The child abuse survivor movement changed and adapted. Ten years ago, research began again to help expose severe abuse crimes. More recently, first in the UK and Australia and now in the United States, a variety of child abuse, severe abuse, sexual harassment and rape cases are bringing public awareness again to the mainstream media of severe abuse crimes. This presentation will discuss the changes of the last 25 years, with an emphasis on the more recent exposures of organized child abuse crimes and social systems that have been part of the cover up of these crimes.
The awareness of severe abuse and child abuse crimes has changed over the last 25 years. In the early 1990s, severe abuse survivors were often believed and supported. Then a backlash started and severe abuse survivors and their supporters were harassed and attacked. The child abuse survivor movement changed and adapted. Ten years ago, research began again to help expose severe abuse crimes. More recently, first in the UK and Australia and now in the United States, a variety of child abuse, severe abuse, sexual harassment and rape cases are bringing public awareness again to the mainstream media of severe abuse crimes. This presentation will discuss the changes of the last 25 years, with an emphasis on the more recent exposures of organized child abuse crimes and social systems that have been part of the cover up of these crimes.
Neil Brick is a survivor of ritual abuse and mind control. His work continues to educate the public about child abuse, trauma and ritual abuse crimes. His child abuse and ritual abuse newsletter S.M.A.R.T. has been published for over 22 years.
The Credibility of Ritual Abuse Allegations Presenter: Randy Noblitt, PhD
Synopsis: To what extent do mental health and other helping professionals believe the stories of ritual abuse survivors? This presentation systematically reviews the empirical research on the credibility of ritual abuse allegations. After presenting the findings there will be a discussion that welcomes the opinions of the attendees regarding their own conclusions including considerations of the community standard, professional ethics, related forensic questions, and advocacy for extreme abuse survivors.
Randy Noblitt, PhD, is a clinical psychologist (licensed in Texas) and professor of clinical psychology at the California School of Professional Psychology at the California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University, Los Angeles. In the course of his practice, Randy has treated more than 300 individuals who met the criteria for dissociative identity disorder. He is the principle author of Cult and Ritual Abuse: Its History, Anthropology and Recent Discovery in Contemporary America (Praeger, 1995. 2000), and its third edition, Cult and Ritual Abuse: Narratives, Evidence and Healing Approaches (Praeger, 2014). He is also co-editor and contributing author of the book, Ritual Abuse in the 21st Century: Psychological, Forensic, Social and Political Considerations (Robert Reed, 2008).
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Ex-priest accused of sexual abuse got Disney job with help from Catholic Church, Satanic Murders, Child and Ritual Abuse Conference, Neil Brick
- Ex-priest accused of sexual abuse got Disney job with help from Catholic Church, grand jury finds
- 'I Am a Killer' Interviews Miguel Martinez and Miguel Venegas About Their Roles in Satanic Murders
- Information on Neil Brick
- Child and Ritual Abuse Conference - August 18-19, 2018
Ex-priest accused of sexual abuse got Disney job with help from Catholic Church, grand jury finds
Aug 15, 2018
HARRISBURG, Pa. -- A sweeping grand jury report into child sexual abuse in Roman Catholic dioceses in Pennsylvania said church officials gave a former priest a positive reference to work at Disney World. That decision happened even though officials fielded at least one allegation about him sexually abusing a boy.
The ex-priest, Edward Ganster, left the priesthood in 1990, moved to the Orlando area and went on to work at Disney World before he died in 2014.
The report said Ganster worked at the theme park for 18 years. Ganster drove the train at the Magic Kingdom, according to an obituary in the Orlando Sentinel, which said Ganster worked there for 15 years.
Disney World did not respond to a request for information.
Ganster, who became a priest in 1971, was working at St. Joseph's Church in Easton in the late 1970s when a woman complained to a monsignor that Ganster had gotten in bed with her 13-year-old son on an overnight trip and "hurt" him, the report said. The boy also told his mother that "something happened" in the confession booth, it said.
The monsignor told her Ganster would be given counseling and Ganster was promptly reassigned, the report said....
Ganster wrote the Diocese to say he would apply for a job at Disney World and wanted to use the Diocese as a reference, the report said.
Allentown's bishop, Thomas Welsh, wrote to Orlando's bishop that Ganster's problems were "partially sexual" and that he couldn't reassign him. A monsignor separately assured Ganster that he would get a positive reference.
"I am quite sure that the Diocese will be able to give you a positive reference in regard to the work you did during your years of service here as a priest," the monsignor wrote, according to the report....
This revelation comes after a Pennsylvania grand jury Tuesday alleged decades of abuse of children by more than 300 men described as "predator priests." It relays the accounts of more than 1,000 children, but said there are likely thousands of other victims.
The report says church leaders protected the priests in a cover-up that went all the way to the Vatican.
"Priests were raping little boys and girls and the men of God who were responsible for them not only did nothing, they hid it all for decades," said Attorney General Josh Shapiro....
'I Am a Killer' Interviews Miguel Martinez and Miguel Venegas About Their Roles in Satanic Murders
August 07, 2018
The killings were barbaric, and yet the killers were so young that for years the courts argued about whether they’d been boys or men.
In 1991, Miguel Angel Martinez,17, Manuel “Milo” Flores,17, and Miguel Angel Venegas, Jr.,16, each played a role in a triple axe-and-knife murder that rocked the small city of Laredo, Texas....
But things changed when Venegas was added to the group dynamic, Martinez asserts. According to Martinez, Venegas “insisted on doing some damage,” which is why the group took an axe, a baseball bat and several knives to the scene—all weapons procured from the Flores residence.
After arriving at the scene, Venegas initially went to scope out the house and saw that it wasn’t empty. At that point he was the one who called for an escalation to violence, according to Martinez.
“He was on a mission, and it was not to go steal anything…to him, he was on a mission for Satan. Satan wanted their souls.”....
But Venegas remembers the buildup to the slayings differently. According to him, it had been Flores’s idea to bring weapons, not his own. He further claims that even before they’d gone to the house, the topic of killing had come up, with his cohort daring him to kill.
“I come from a machista culture,” says Venegas. “A dare is a dare.”
Venegas admitted to the idea that he felt under control of Satan, noting that he’d felt under the influence of the Devil as a child. At age 8 he would fill jars with black widow spiders, dump them on his chest, then revel in the lack of bites he’d suffer, seeing it as proof of his dominion over the underworld.
On the night of the murders, Venegas said he got further proof of his Satan connection when his first victim woke up before the attack, looked at him, then went back to sleep.
“I’m thinking to myself, ‘The devil’s got my back.'”
And there was no way he and Martinez could back out of the murders, either. Venegas told Martinez, “Satan wants their souls.”....
Information on Neil Brick
In 1995, Neil Brick founded the SMART newsletter. In 1996, SMART was on the Internet and in 1998 SMART started having ritual abuse conferences.
In 1995, Neil Brick founded the SMART newsletter. In 1996, SMART was on the Internet and in 1998 SMART started having ritual abuse conferences.
Neil Brick Conference Presentation 2018
Changes in Awareness of Severe Abuse and Child Abuse Crimes Over Twenty Five Years
The awareness of severe abuse and child abuse crimes has changed over the last 25 years. In the early 1990s, severe abuse survivors were often believed and supported. Then a backlash started and severe abuse survivors and their supporters were harassed and attacked. The child abuse survivor movement changed and adapted. Ten years ago, research began again to help expose severe abuse crimes. More recently, first in the UK and Australia and now in the United States, a variety of child abuse, severe abuse, sexual harassment and rape cases are bringing public awareness again to the mainstream media of severe abuse crimes. This presentation discusses the changes of the last 25 years, with an emphasis on the more recent exposures of organized child abuse crimes and social systems that have been part of the cover up of these crimes.
Changes in Awareness of Severe Abuse and Child Abuse Crimes Over Twenty Five Years
The awareness of severe abuse and child abuse crimes has changed over the last 25 years. In the early 1990s, severe abuse survivors were often believed and supported. Then a backlash started and severe abuse survivors and their supporters were harassed and attacked. The child abuse survivor movement changed and adapted. Ten years ago, research began again to help expose severe abuse crimes. More recently, first in the UK and Australia and now in the United States, a variety of child abuse, severe abuse, sexual harassment and rape cases are bringing public awareness again to the mainstream media of severe abuse crimes. This presentation discusses the changes of the last 25 years, with an emphasis on the more recent exposures of organized child abuse crimes and social systems that have been part of the cover up of these crimes.
Neil Brick is a survivor of ritual abuse and mind control. His work continues to educate the public about child abuse, trauma and ritual abuse crimes. His child abuse and ritual abuse newsletter S.M.A.R.T.
has been published for over 22 years.
Neil Brick – Editor of SMART Child and Ritual Abuse Newsletter and Promoter of Child and Ritual Abuse Conferences for Over 20 Years
Neil Brick is a survivor of ritual abuse and mind control. His work continues to educate the public about child abuse, trauma and ritual abuse crimes. His child abuse and ritual abuse newsletter S.M.A.R.T. has been published for over 22 years.
Child and Ritual Abuse Conference this weekend - August 18-19, 2018
• Dr. Randall Noblitt
• Neil Brick
• Jillian Jackson
• Manjot Singh Khalsa
• Mike Skinner – Musician
Speakers Include:
• Neil Brick
• Jillian Jackson
• Manjot Singh Khalsa
• Mike Skinner – Musician
Speakers Include:
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