Monday, March 14, 2011

Survivorship Ritual Abuse Webinars

You do not have to be a Survivorship member to attend a Webinar -- we welcome all survivors, as well as partners, friends, therapists, clergy, and other supporters. And a Webinar is a very good introduction to Survivorship's philosophy and resources.

Saturday, March 26
12 noon Pacific Time
Trish Fotheringham
"Inner Structures - Settle In and Get Comfortable."

Trish was born into a female-only matriarchal healing cult and an ancient patriarchal family clan who were connected to a variety of organized crime groups, including a group of wealthy political elite and their child pornography rings and child sex slave trafficking network. She is a 50-year-old Canadian Survivor of extreme abuse and trauma that included MKUltra-style ritual abuse, torture, mind control, and experimentation.

Trish will share some of the ways she handled her many different implanted Inner structures and tell how she, as an adult, intentionally self-created more structures that served healing purposes. The Webinar will be designed for dialog and interaction rather than as a lecture.

Last year, Webinars cost $20.00. Now we have changed to a sliding scale so that each person can pay what they are able to. The scale starts at $50.00 and, in $5.00 increments, goes down to $0.00 (full scholarship). There is no longer any need to request a full or partial scholarship -- you make the decision yourself. (Please factor in the cost of a telephone call to the East Coast.)

We do ask you, if you have a full or partial scholarship, to help publicize our Webinar series.

The PayPal button is under the description of the Webinar at

Registration closes Thursday evening January 17. If you wish to pay by PayPal, go to Otherwise, send your check to:

Family Justice Center
470 27th Street
Oakland, CA 94612

To reserve a space in the Webinar, e-mail Shamai at and give her this information:

1.Your name
2. The Webinar you wish to attend: "Safety for Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Survivors" on February 19 and/or one of the Webinars listed below
3. Amount and method of payment (check, PayPal, money order)
4. Your preferred e-mail address (so we can send you instructions)
5. The name you will be using for the Webinar. (This does not have to be your real name or your message board screen name.)

Saturday, April 9
12 noon Pacific Time
Staci Sprout, LICSW, CSAT
"Authentic Sexuality after Extreme Sexual Abuse: Part II: Tools You Can Use."

This Webinar follows up what was begun in the December Webinar. (If you were not there I recommend reviewing it on the Survivorship Website). We will take the concepts of sexual addiction/anorexia in the context of surviving extreme trauma to the next practical level: how to assess your current sexual health today, how to organize daily nurturing tasks to improve sexual self-esteem, what is the role of making love with yourself/masturbation, and what are your visions for a healthy tomorrow?

We will discuss sexuality in both general and specific terms.
Staci Sprout works as an individual group psychotherapist at Sexual Recovery Services in Washington state. (See for more information.). She is a Certified Sexual Addiction Therapist (CSAT). She is also a survivor of extreme trauma and will share "what's worked" along her personal journey of recovery as part of the presentation. Caution will be taken to promote safety by not using explicit language or stories, though content at times may be triggering for survivors.

Saturday, May 21
Note: This Webinar will be at 9 AM Pacific Time
Adah Sachs
"Attachment: How Did It Harm You, and How Can That Harm Be Healed?"

This Webinar will look at abuse and torture (at all ages) in the context of attachment theory. It will explain that the worst damage caused by abuse is not to the body, but to the victim’s attachment system; and that the damaged attachment system continues to cause destruction in the person’s life, sometimes forever. We’ll then look at healing the attachment system.

Adah Sachs is an attachment-based psychoanalytic psychotherapist. She is a visiting faculty and a training supervisor at the Bowlby Centre and at the Centre for Child Mental Health and a consultant psychotherapist at the Clinic for Dissociative Studies, London. She lectures and publishes widely on trauma and dissociation and maintains a small private practice. Her co-edited book, "Forensic Aspects of DID," was published in 2008.

Survivorship members may listen to past Webinars for free in the members’ section. (For information on joining Survivorship, go to

Complete details on all our Webinars are at

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