Sunday, July 19, 2009

Uncovered LSD Project at CIA, new diagnosis for DSM

describes crimes
John K. Vance; Uncovered LSD Project at CIA By Joe Holley Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, June 16, 2005; Page B08 John K. Vance, 89, a member of the Central Intelligence Agency inspector general's staff in the early 1960s who discovered that the agency was running a research project that included administering LSD and other drugs to unwitting human subjects, died....Code-named MKULTRA (and pronounced m-k-ultra), the project Mr. Vance uncovered was the brainchild of CIA Director Allen Dulles, who was intrigued by reports of mind-control techniques allegedly conducted by Soviet, Chinese and North Korean agents on U.S. prisoners of war during the Korean War.

The CIA wanted to use similar techniques on its own POWs and perhaps use LSD or other mind-bending substances
on foreign leaders, including Cuba's Fidel Castro a few years after the project got underway in 1953. Heading MKULTRA was a CIA chemist named Sidney Gottlieb. In congressional testimony, Gottlieb, who died in 1999, acknowledged that the agency had administered LSD to as many as 40 unwitting subjects, including prison inmates and patrons of brothels set up and run by the agency. At least one participant died when he jumped out of a 10th-floor window in a hotel; others claimed to have suffered serious psychological damage.

The Trauma Center at JRI - A Joint Task Force of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN), the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS), and the International Society for the Study and Treatment of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) Led by Bessel van der Kolk, M.D. have proposed a new diagnostic condition for inclusion in the DSM-V that addresses the complexity of adaptation to survive child maltreatment and neglect. Provided here for review, dissemination, and policy initiatives are two documents.

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