Tuesday, November 1, 2016

New child abuse suits filed against Catholic Church in Guam, Three men jailed over Bristol child abuse ring, Ritual Abuse Research, Neil Brick

- New child abuse suits filed against Catholic Church in Guam
- Three men jailed over Bristol child abuse ring

New child abuse suits filed against Catholic Church in Guam
November 01, 2016 

HAGATNA, Guam –  The latest on allegations of child sex abuse in Guam's Catholic Church 
A lawyer for four former altar boys has filed a new civil lawsuit against the Catholic Church in Guam, Archbishop Anthony Apuron and Father Louis Brouillard over child sexual abuse.

A statement was released by the men's attorney Tuesday afternoon in Hagatna. Three of the men, now in their 50s, were altar boys in the 1970s under Apuron, who was a pastor at the time. They allege Apuron molested them during sleepovers.

The fourth man, now in his 70s, was a student and former altar boy in the 1950s when he says Brouillard molested him. Brouillard, 95, admitted to The Associated Press in August that he may have molested 20 boys during his time in Guam.

Guam passed a law in September lifting the statute of limitations for civil lawsuits in child molestation cases.

The new leader of the Catholic Church in Guam will immediately assume all responsibilities in the archdiocese while its suspended archbishop faces a church trial for allegedly sexually abusing altar boys....
Guam had been under an apostolic administrator since June when Archbishop Anthony Apuron, 71, was relieved of his duties after several former altar boys accused him of sexual abuse. He is facing a canonical trial in the Vatican.

Three men jailed over Bristol child abuse ring

One man sentenced to 16 years and two to eight years after girls as young as 14 were subjected to ‘degrading and violent’ abuse  Press Association  Tuesday 1 November
Three men have been jailed for their part in an inner-city sex ring involving the abuse, rape and trafficking of young girls.

Victims as young as 14 were subjected to sexual abuse that was “degrading, violent and horrible” in Bristol. Some of the girls were given drugs and alcohol and “pestered again and again” for sex by the men, who were mostly older teenagers.

Bristol crown court heard that the rapes became “routine” and the men regarded some of the victims, who cannot be named, as “cheap and easy”....

Seven men went on trial accused of 46 charges. Three were acquitted after the jury failed to reach verdicts and another man was found not guilty of the two charges against him.

The trial, which came after an investigation codenamed Operation Button, was the third in a series of prosecutions of Somali men for child sexual exploitation and drug offences.

In two earlier trials in 2014, after an investigation codenamed Operation Brooke, 14 men were jailed for more than 100 years between them....

“These defendants befriended these vulnerable young people who were still at school, grooming and sexually exploiting them,” she said. “Their systematic abuse over a number of years slowly eroded their confidence and made them think these crimes were normal behaviour.”...

Neil Brick, Editor of S.M.A.R.T. Newsletter, 20 Years of Child and Ritual Abuse Research http://www.webwire.com/ViewPressRel.asp?aId=205239  

Information on Neil Brick
In 1995,  Neil Brick founded the SMART newsletter.  In 1996, SMART was on the Internet and in 1998 SMART started having ritual abuse conferences.

How Cues and Programming Work in Mind Control and Propaganda by Neil Brick

The Battle to Stop Ritual Abuse by Neil Brick
For over 25 years, survivors and their advocates have worked to stop ritual abuse by educating the general public about these crimes. Through an intense struggle this research has been made public and survivors have been helped.

A backlash continues, covering up crimes against children and protecting a hierarchical and unjust social structure that exists by propagandizing and mind controlling its members. Exposing the backlash and its true motives and how their work continues to promote social injustice will be discussed in this presentation.

How to Avoid Being Mind Controlled at a Conference by Neil Brick

Doing the right thing and getting stronger at the same time, a survivor's path to recovery and helping others by Neil Brick

Evolving as a Movement – Taking a Step Forward by Neil Brick
The survivor movement needs to take a step forward. No longer can it avoid public education and advocacy.

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