Thursday, November 3, 2016

Donald Trump Rape Lawsuit, Did Hillary Clinton Laugh At A Rape Victim?, Shattered but Unbroken - Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), which combines the narratives of survivors of ritual abuse, Neil Brick Celebrates Twenty Five Years of Research


- What You Need to Know About the Donald Trump Rape Lawsuit — and the Accuser Who Claims He Raped Her When She Was 13
- The Story Behind A Campaign Line: Did Clinton Laugh At A Rape Victim?
- Shattered but Unbroken is an edited volume focusing on Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), which combines the narratives of survivors of ritual abuse with academic contributions on the causes, correlates and interventions applicable to DID.
- Neil Brick Celebrates Twenty Five Years of Research, Education and Advocacy in the Child Abuse Prevention Field

What You Need to Know About the Donald Trump Rape Lawsuit — and the Accuser Who Claims He Raped Her When She Was 13

By Diane Herbst  November 3, 2016

An attorney helping an anonymous California woman accusing Donald Trump in a federal lawsuit of raping her in the ’90s when she was 13 announced that the woman would go public for the first time Wednesday.

But as the press conference was about to begin in the California offices of attorney Lisa Bloom, Bloom called it off, citing threats to the plaintiff, known in court papers as Jane Doe.

“Jane Doe has received numerous threats today … She has decided she is too afraid to show her face,” Bloom said, according to the tweets of MSNBC/NBC reporter Irin Carmon. “We’re going to have to reschedule....

Jane Doe accuses Trump of raping her during the summer of 1994 when she was 13, allegedly in the home of Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted pedophile also named in the lawsuit.

She also claims that: “Immediately following this rape, Defendant Trump threatened me that, were I ever to reveal any of the details of Defendant Trump’s sexual and physical abuse of me, my family and I would be physically harmed if not killed.”

Alan Garten, vice president and general counsel for the Trump Organization, did not return a call for comment to PEOPLE. But Garten has repeatedly and vehemently denied the allegations, telling the New York Daily News they were “categorically untrue, completely fabricated and politically motivated....

The Story Behind A Campaign Line: Did Clinton Laugh At A Rape Victim?
November 3, 2016 Heard on Morning Edition
When the presidential candidates debated last month for the second time, Donald Trump claimed that Hillary Clinton once laughed at a victim of rape. The allegation stems from a case that Clinton worked as a young lawyer in 1975 — she defended one of two men accused of raping then 12-year-old Kathy Shelton.

Trump featured Shelton in a press conference that was broadcast on Facebook Live ahead of the debate and then brought her in to sit with the audience. Trump spoke about Shelton on stage, arguing Clinton mistreated her....

Shelton told Morning Edition's Steve Inskeep that on that day in 1975 she was stopped while riding her bike to church and beaten, raped and dumped out of a truck....

As the prosecutor recalls it, Rodham tried to get out of it.

"She apparently went to the judge, and he refused to let her out," Gibson said. "And at that point, she fired all guns. She mounted an excellent defense, I'll give her credit for that."

Gibson says she challenged the physical evidence, and also raised questions about the victim's story and her credibility. With the case looking doubtful, prosecutors accepted a plea bargain. The attacker received a short prison term and a fine....

After reviewing the transcript decades later, Reid says Clinton never laughed at a rape victim.

"She was laughing at the vagaries of the legal system that play out every day across America in one way or another," he told NPR.

Shelton has a different interpretation.

"To me she's saying, they're guilty, and she's laughing about it," she said....

However, she told NPR, as she better grasped the story, she does feel Clinton traumatized her a second time in the justice system....

Shelton's lawyer today is Candice Jackson. She argues that Clinton went too far, by questioning the victim's reliability.... 

Shattered but Unbroken: Voices of Triumph and Testimony
Editor : Amelia van der Merwe, Editor : Valerie Sinason

Shattered but Unbroken is an edited volume focusing on Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), which combines the narratives of survivors of ritual abuse with academic contributions on the causes, correlates and interventions applicable to DID.

The book is divided into two distinct parts. Part I begins with the missing memoir of Anna, a survivor of ritual abuse. Anna chose not to publish her memoir for fear of retribution from her perpetrators. The plight of Anna is interwoven between all the contributions in the book, be they life writing or academic contributions. So too are the life writings of Annalise, writing under pseudonym. Instead of using Anna’s memoir, the politics of anonymity is addressed by a range of survivors of ritual abuse, who write about their decision to use their real name in their narratives, or to use pseudonyms.

Part II of the book contains academic contributions, which deal with the causes, correlates and interventions applicable to the most common response to ritual abuse, DID. These include a range of topics, such as the history of DID, cross-cultural perspectives, DID’s saturation with shame, debates and controversies around this diagnosis, and its relationship to culture and memory, a South African qualitative study, co-morbidity and selected reflections on its treatment, among other contributions.

Product Preview:
Book includes a chapter co-written by Wendy Hoffman and Alison Miller with others.

Neil Brick Celebrates Twenty Five Years of Research, Education and Advocacy in the Child Abuse Prevention Field
Neil Brick has developed Internet resources to publish scientific information about child and ritual abuse. He publishes a bimonthly newsletter and organizes informational conferences. The goal of these resources is to help stop child and ritual abuse through public education.

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